Chapter 20

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The creature bolted through the maze like hallways hearing something we didn't.

"I don't think I should trust you" I told Ryan whilst running

"Why?'" he replied genuinely confused

"What?!!" I exclaimed "did you forget your attempts on my life?"

"No but I'm sure we could put all that behind us" he said

"Umm how about no" I told him

He just shrugged and continued running. suddenly the creature stopped and just sorta died. It literally just stopped, stood still for a second and dropped dead.

"Well..." Ryan started but didn't need to say more to describe the situation.

"What now?" I asked even more confident that I should just turn around and get outta here but looking around I realised that I was completely and utterly lost.

"Great" I muttered under my breath

"What?" Ryan said looking at me

"I'm lost" I said simply


"Yeah I don't really visit enough to know my way around"

"Oh that's just great"

"Isn't it"

Ekkia's P.O.V

We had cut through hundreds of the little buggers to get to the centre of The Underground yet now we were trapped. they surrounded us on all sides and I had the sudden urge to call my friend Julia and blabbed some last words to her but I had lost my phone and my bow and my arrows. well when I say lost I really mean that some weird shape shifting creature disguised its self as Jackson and asked for them so yeah. all I needed now was for Izzy to swoop in and save the day before we were ripped to shreds though I highly doubted that because even she wouldn't be able to save us, though she was a complete psycho so who knows. suddenly there was a loud bang and a tunnel appeared in the wall behind us.

"Every body through" screamed Jackson.

I didn't need to be told again.

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