Chapter 22

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Izzy's P.O.V

I don't get to finish my sentence as the things get nearer and nearer until they're on top of us but then there is nothing they just disappear.

"Ok what the Hell is going on?" I snap

"It must be full of traps" Ryan mutters more to himself than anyone.

"Why are you even here?" I ask finally after a couple seconds of silence.

"Oh you know to take over the world and that but I realised that I couldn't do that unless I got to the control room which explains why I needed you alive" he said as if that was the most normal thing in the world.

"Ah" I said realising why I was not yet dead.

I got up, now thoroughly pissed off and walked off. my steps getting faster and faster until I was sprinting and i kept sprinting until Ryan's steps slowly faded into nothing. I snapped around a corner and stopped dead I was back in the main lobby part except it looked different, that's when I realised I was in the centre of The Underground. snarling caused me to spin around watching in horror as I came to the realisation that I was surrounded. around me were hundreds of those Gollum like creatures and those leathery skinned creatures. I looked around for a weapon and then I was falling, falling, falling surrounded by darkness the only sound being my screams and the voice whispering 'The Game is on'

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