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(Y/n means your name so insert whatever, also sorry about my bad grammar and spelling)

You sat there looking around at the room that you have been dragged into, it was an empty white room with a table and some chairs and to your right, there was this huge window. You recognize the window to be one of those one-way windows, you then realize that this is an interrogation room.

You sat there for what felt like hours, you started to doze off when you where abruptly awoken to the door swinging open, you jumped at the sound of it and quickly turned your head to the doorway. Standing there was a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes, the pretty boy jock type.

"y/n" he quickly said while walking to the table and sitting down across from you with a folder in front of you. "You sure have gotten yourself into a whole lot of trouble" his voice stern, you reply with silence.

The man sighed and opened the folder "Alright y/n do you know why you are here" he asked sternly, it seemed like a pretty dumb question. "I-I am here because I killed two Overwatch agents" your mouth was dry from the long night locked inside this room.

"Well yes along with many other crimes other then thi-" you cut him off "Who are you anywa-" you interrupted yourself with a hard cough, the man stood up and opened the door and yelled something into the hallway, a minute later he returned with a glass of water, you nodded as he handed you the water.

"let's start over, my name is Jack Morrison, I am the strike commander here at Overwatch...... y/n it is my understanding that you have been brainwashed by your uncle and raised into an assassin, Overwatch is very interested in your skill set and due to circumstances we will not be sending you to jail, unless you want to go" his voice was softer now and more sympathetic "I am here to give you an offer y/n" he sat back down in front of you and then motioned to the window to your right.

The door swings open again and walking in was a tall older man, maybe around 50, in all black with caramel skin and a beard. You could tell he has seen better days as you noticed the scars covering his face. He stood there with his arms crossed leaning against the door with a scowl on his face and his brown eyes piercing you with a "I will fuck you up" look, you recognized him as the man who knocked you unconscious and dragged you in here "Who is he" you said in annoyance as you rubbed your head where he hit you with the back of the gun.

Jack began to talk but the man by the door cut him off before he could, "I am commander Reyes" his voice deep, his whole appearance was very intimidating.

"Ah yes the man who hit me upside the head with his shotgun" You laughed

Reyes walked over to the table and leaned towards you inches from your face "Something funny kid" his dark eyes staring into yours, you grinned and then headbutted him in the face, he stumbled back holding his nose as blood streamed over his hand

"You fucking little brat" he rushed to you grabbing you by your shirt and looked like he was about to hit you, "That's just to get even for hitting me in the face commander Reyes" you and Reyes where locked in a stare down that was quickly interrupted by Morrison "Reyes let her go and y/n stop trying to start something"

Reyes released your shirt and sat down next to Jack, his face covered in blood. Reyes looked at you with a death glare "So here is the deal kid, either you go to jail for life or you join Blackwatch" his voice annoyed and his face glowing with anger.

It was a pretty easy thing to answer, freedom or prison, though the thought of Reyes being your higher up made your blood boil it was still better than prison.

you returned his death glare "Well I guess you are my commander then ...sir" you chuckled before Reyes could return your sarcasm Morrison stands up "Then that settles it as of now y/n you are a part of Blackwatch, Ill leave the paperwork with you Gabriel" Morrison motioned you along as he began leaving the room, on your way out you looked over your shoulder to Reyes and blew him a sarcastic filled kiss as the door closed.

You and Morrison walked down the hall and to this door that had a sign on it that read "Strike Commander Morrison"

you both entered the door, inside was an office, must have been Morrison's office. Standing there was a man your age, he wore a black outfit with a black cowboy hat. "Good evening Strike Commander" he looked to you dipping his hat "Who is this pretty little lady" you blushed at the compliment. "This is y/n she will be working with you in Blackwatch, her reason for being here is similar to yours so I am sure you will be good of friends"

you reached your hand out to the cowboy to shake the cowboy's but instead he grabbed your hand, took off his hat and brought your hand to his lips, "I always wanted to work alongside an angel, the name is McCree but you can call me Jesse " Morrison sighed "I'm sure you could show y/n her room, it is number 4 next to Reyes's room" McCree saluted Morrison "It would be my pleasure"

You and McCree started across the base to the Blackwatch base which was separated from the Overwatch base. You came to a door that was black with number 4 on it and below the number was a logo on it which must have been the Blackwatch logo.

"Here we are darlin this is your new home away from home" McCree opened the door inside was a small room with a desk, dresser, and bed. "Thank you, McCree" You stared at the room "The bathroom is down the hall, it is a unisex bathroom but Captain Amari wants to build a separate shower just for you and down the other way is the shared kitchen"

There were about two seconds before McCree spoke up again "Sooooo....what did you do to find your self here in Blackwatch" you stared at him blankly for a second before looking down at your feet, you felt strange standing here as an agent of agency you have attacked multiple times, you looked back up to McCree "I killed two agents from Overwatch" McCree was a bit taken back by you answer "Well we all make mistakes, I too had the choice of jail or Blackwatch and I tell you what, it has been the best choice I have ever will like it here y/n"

You felt relieved that McCree was not angry with you for killing people from his organization. "Thank you McCree" You smiled at him and he returned a smile, he was the first friend you have ever had. "If you ever need anything y/n just come to room 2, that is my room" you nodded at him "Oh! before I forget here" he hands you a tablet, "this has everything you need, a map of the Blackwatch base and the Overwatch base, the training schedule, email, and upcoming missions" you turned on the tablet and a Blackwatch logo appeared before going to the home page.

"Oh one more thing your first training is tomorrow, you will get the chance to meet the other one in Blackwatch as well as seeing commander Reyes again, your training gear should be in your room" you where very nervous about how it will be to see Reyes again after headbutting him, you where worried that during the training he would kill you since Morrison would not be there to protect you cleared your mind you didn't want to think about Reyes right again thank him before saying your goodbyes for the night.

You step into your room and close the door, you didn't realize how tired and drained you were from all that has happened the last day. As soon as you laid down in the bed you were out like a light...............


Thanks for reading it, sorry it was such a long first part, I will update this a lot so stay tuned

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