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You haven't seen Reaper in three weeks since he was on a mission with the French woman you now know is called widowmaker. 

You spent a lot of nights driving around trying to figure out why you were so drawn to Reaper, being around him seemed to fill something empty in you.

You walked around the base with no direction, until you ran into Sombra as she walked out of her room. You sighed when she looked at you with a grin, you knew she was going to try to get under your skin. 

"Hello, Sombra" You sighed

"You seem down, you missing your new friend Reaper?" She raised an eyebrow 

"I don't have time for this Sombra" You rolled your eyes at her. You tried to walk around her but she kept blocking you.

"Did he tell you in a few months we will be assaulting an Overwatch hideout? I think there was a man by the name of McCree hiding there." She laughed 

Your eyes widened in horror and your mind filled with tough decisions, you quickly left Sombra in the dust not wanting to listen to her. You made your way to your room and closed the laid down on your bed face first. You didn't know if you should warn McCree or not. If McCree died you would never forgive your self. You dashed to your computer and typed a long message warning McCree but hesitated on sending it. Reaper came into your mind, you also didn't want to ruin his trust or force him to kill you. You quickly deleted what you typed and laid back in your chair covering your face in frustration, you felt as if you were between good and evil and every decision in Talons favor made you a worse person. You decided you would confront Reaper to try and persuade him not to attack while McCree was there. 

A few days went by and rumors that Reaper would be returning in an hour, you bribed Sombra to give you access to his room, you didn't care if that would bite you in the butt later. You have never been in his room before so you decided to look around. His room was like yours, it had a kitchen and a bathroom. You went into the kitchen and snooped around his fridge, he barely had any food, mostly old take out and beer in his fridge. You opened his wardrobe and your eyes catch something, it looked like a Blackwatch hoodie but you couldn't see it very well, you were about to reach for it but you darted your hand back when you heard his door unlocking, you quickly closed the wardrobe and quickly sat on his bed right as the door opened. Reaper walked in and stopped in his tracks when he saw you sitting on his bed, he was quiet for a moment but soon the obvious question followed. 

"What are you doing in here" He growled. 

Your heart began to race, you felt cornered in his room. 

"I wanted to talk to you one on one" You tried to sound firm.

You heard him sigh as he walked over to his kitchen, he pulled a beer out and then looked at me and put it back in the fridge, guess he realized he couldn't drink it around you because of his mask, this resulted in a growl from him as he walked over to you. He crossed his arms and stood in front of you. 

"What do you want to talk about" He snapped. 

You stood up hoping it would boost your confidence. 

"Why did you not tell me about the assault on Overwatch coming up, you know I can't fight McCree" You voice shook a little, you hoped he didn't notice. 

He came inches from your face, you could almost feel his anger come off him.

"You are in Talon, I don't care if you want to protect McCree because you cant" He was practically yelling at you. 

You soon fell into the same anger and pushed him slightly, not caring about what he could do to you. "Well, maybe I will leave Talon then!" You yelled as you got close to his mask, as you did for once you felt a slight heat giving off him. 

"Then leave" He dared. 

On that, you stormed out of his room slamming his door in the process. You ran to your room and grabbed the photo of you and Gabriel and fled to your car in the garage. You sat in your Mustang and taped the photo of Gabriel and you on the dash. You then left the garage leaving the smell of burnt rubber behind. It was storming outside, hard winds and blinding wind but you didn't let that slow you down, you drove in the same dangerous way that you always did.    

You hadn't realized the tears where blinding your site more than the rain outside. Why were you crying? Was it really over fighting McCree or is it the fact that you felt drawn towards a killer and you felt guilty? 

You kept feeling like you saw black mist in the backseat but you couldn't tell from the darkness and your tears.                        

You came to a turn that was sharper then you thought and you hit it to fast causing your car to slid off into a ditch. You hit your head hard on the steering wheel, your vision began to swirl and you had a ringing in your ears when your vision settled down and you could think clearly you looked at the front of your car that was totaled you also felt blood trickling down your face but you didn't care about your injuries you just cared about the car. You cursed under your breath and hit the steering wheel in rage. 

You jumped as you heard Reapers voice in the back seat "You do have a death wish" 

You watched in the rearview mirror as Reaper disappeared into a mist and soon appeared next to you in the passenger seat. 

"You still stalking me" You sighed and  Reaper just laughed as a reply. You left him in the car as you went out in the pouring rain to inspect your beloved car. You lifted your hands above your head in frustration as you looked at the damage, the front was completely crushed in and you knew you wouldn't be driving it home. You walked in circle cursing before Reaper joined you in the rain. He stood there as you threw your fit, you had enough of life beating you around and it seemed as all of the rages you ever kept was pouring out now, you began kicking the car, cursing and crying and screaming in heartbreak and rage about life. Soon  Reaper seemed to have enough of your breakdown and tried to grab you, you then took your rage out on him, you began to hit him on the chest but he seemed to let you. You soon fell against his chest and sobbed you mumbled things about the world ruining your life and how you couldn't have just lived a normal life. Soon you felt Reapers arms wrapped around you, he didn't say anything he just started stroking your hair as your face remained buried in his chest.  At this moment you realized that Reaper was probably just as broken as you and he probably held in the same rage. 

You back away from Reaper and looked up at his mask. "I'll do it, ill fight Overwatch." You seemed to give in to Talon, the world was never kind on you anyways. Reaper didn't move he just stayed still as you looked up at him. You leaned in and kissed his mask on the cheek but when you pulled back he stroked the side of your face gently before leaning in next to your ear. 

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I say" He whispered with a low growl.

You hesitated at first but soon you gave in and closed your eyes. You didn't know if he planned to kill you but you would probably let him. You soon were startled as you felt what must have been his cold lips on yours, you melted right there and you felt the world stop you didn't even feel the cold rain anymore. You kept your eyes closed but you put your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer as your kissing intensified. His lips soon left yours causing you to want more, you took your hand and felt his lips, they were rough and cold, you wanted to roam more of his face with your fingers but you decided it was too much for him so you removed your hand.

"You can open them now" He growled 

You stood there staring at his mask in awe, you felt familiar feelings that you thought you would never feel as long as you lived.

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