Summer - 1989

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Its the last day of school. Hardly anyone came in and its awesome! Charlie and I did nothing but run through the halls and play Bloody Mary in the bathrooms all day. We also ran into a group of boys led by Jahiem McBride... The most popular boy in school. And also the meanest.
Charlie and I got so mad when we learned that we wont spend the 5th grade free of his torment and torture of just about everyone... Teachers included!....
Everyone except me tho. He gets more nervous and frightened than usual when I stare at him.

I know it's not nice to stare... but I can't help it sometimes. He makes me curious... So I study his face and wonder why he's so afraid all of the time. And why is everyone afraid of him? Can't they see that he's actually a coward? Well.. I can see... And he don't scare me!

He never tries to bully me tho.. He just tries his best to ignore me. "Hey Charline" he said moving up closer to Charlie whose giving him the "stank face" in response.

"Why you lookin at me like dat?... I was just speaking to yo ass girl!" He angrily responds narrowing his eyes and balling up his fists.
I can tell Charlie is afraid.. but she doesn't have to be.... I wont let him hurt her.

"How come you're not going to the 7th grade?" I nonchalantly interrupt.

It was a genuine question.. I really wanted to know why I'll have to feel his ugly energy here another year.

"Oooooooooo!!!" The other boys instigate... But he only gives me the side eye before he instantly turns on them by punching the boy within reach of his right jab.

I could hear a shallow chatter of teeth cracking as Jahiem's fist met with the unsuspecting boys mouth.

Jahiem storms off with his face flushed in anger and nostrils flared.. "BAHAHAHAHA!!" One of the boys obnoxiously laughs and points at the kid lying on the floor with a bleeding mouth. The other boys at least helped the poor kid up.

"LET'S GO!!!!" Jaheim shouts at them down the hall and they obediently run behind him... Including the boy with the bloody mouth.

"Ugh! Why wont they just stick together and beat him up?!" Charlie said aloud in disgust.

"I don't know" I reply with shoulders shrugged... "Especially since he's always so scared of something"

"He don't look scared to me!... Scary!.. But not scared!" Charlie responds with her eyes widened.

I curl my lips downward and give one last shrug as we continued down the hall.

"So did you ask your dad if you can go with us to Florida for the summer? My mom said your mom can call her for the details and how long we'll be there." Charlie asked

"Yeah... But he said no before I could finish" I replief in defeat. "He told me that I have to visit my grandparents down south every summer." I continued in a melancholy tone...

"I like my grandparents...  and some of my cousins are okay. They're not mean to me but they hardly talk to me... Or play with me. There was this one boy I used to play  with down there... But I don't see him anymore. I just don't have any fun while I'm there and my aunts and uncles are always so mean to me!" I say in frustration...

"And they're always talking about my mom" I continued as I lowered my head and frowned.

"Do you ever tell your mom n dad?" Charline asked in concern

"Yeah..... Daddy never really says much... He and momma argue about it every year" I answered.. With my head still bowed and studying the patterns on the hall floor.

Charline puts her arm around my shoulders as we continue scaling the empty halls on our last day of school.. And possibly our last day seeing each other until school starts back.

I'll be on the highway to Arkansas with my parents in just one week.....

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