New Orleans, May 1989

16 4 2

                      Uncle Jacky


Dem niggas shot my doe knob off n kicked in ma doe.. I grabbed Janice n hold ha up in front of meh... Maybe dey wont shoot a lil guhl..

"Put da lil guhl down Jacky... N take whatcha got comin to ya like a man.." One of em say while pointing his gun at us

"If ya gon' kill meh... ya gotta kill ha foist to git to meh!" I replied n dey both look at each other for a second

"I done killed a lotta folks but dey all was askin fo it.. Ain't neva killed no kid befoe n I ain't tryna have dat on my soul now" One said to da otha tryna reason wit eem

"Just hand ova my money Jacky!... N all dis will be ova!.. Dat pot was worth 25 hunned n I wont every dime! Na hand it ova sucka!" The otha one threatened

"I ain't got dat on meh right na!" I hollered n its da truth.. I spend up ma money as soon as I win it..

I reach in my pocket n pull out da roll of 20s dey seen earlier, n throw it in front of em..

"Dats 6 hunned right der.. Take dat fa now n let me win ya da rest.. A-a-all I need is one game.. N-n-n- I can getcha da rest.. Or betta den dat.. You can have ha.." I replied n sat Janice back down offerin ha to em.. "She broke in real good n she wont be no trouble to ya" I assured em

"YOU SICK MUTHAFUCKA!!.. SHE JES A BABY!!!" One of em hollered n dey both raised dey pistols up ready ta shoot... I hurried up n picked Janice back up ta use ha as a shield..

I'm pissed off dat none of my guns got bullets for em... Cuz I'd shoot both dem niggas dead fo callin me sick!... Da last man who called me sick got his gotdamn tongue cut out!

"Alright Jacky... You got till noon tomorra to have da rest of our money.. but you need ta let dat lil guhl go.. let ha come wit us" One of em said tryna trick meh

"Shiiid... So you can kill meh!... soon as she off from in front of meh!... Ya wonts ta kill meh ya gotsta kill ha too like I said!" I shouted

They both stood there lookin at meh like dey was ready ta do jes dat!... But deez niggas soft.. You can't be no gangsta n got a conscience..

They walk backwards till dey reached da doe n went back outside..

"You a dead man Jacky! It ain't even bout da money no mo... I gotta lil daughta too muthafucka!... I catch you slippin dats yo ass nigga!" One of em shout from outside.

Janice is cryin but not too loud cuz she know I can't stand no screamin.. I gotta get rid of ha tho.. Ha picture is up all 'round town.. I guess she got otha relatives lookin fo ha..

I bend down n hug ha real tight to comfort ha..

"Shhhh hush na... You no daddy wutn gon' let dem mens hoytcha.." I said n she began to slowly calm down

I tucked my hand in between our faces n curved my hand to palm hers.. Wit one quick yank I snapped ha neck, n carried ha to da back n burried ha wit da othas... Shame... she still had some good yeahs on ha too

I gotta git outta town fast but I need some money... I gave ma last to dem basteds. There's a dice game goin on sumwhea... Don't need much.. Jes enough ta get outta hea.

I go back n da house n decide Ima git me some sleep befo I go... I runs me a bath so I can get da blood n grime off meh. I'm takin off ma clothes when I spot Legba slick ass in da mirror standin right behind meh. I jumped backwards n slipped... almost hittn ma head on da tub.

"Hope ya not plannin to wear nothin fancy fo our trip" he replied grinnin from ear ta ear

"Nawl... I'm gittn ready fo bead" I replied as I got up off da flo

I got a talisman I bought from a hoodoo lady in town. Its spose ta keep me hid from eem but its in da bedroom.. Im supposed to wear it on me at all times.. She tole me da only way it wont keep meh hid is if one o my kin conjure him up ta git meh... I ain't worried bout dat none. All my peoples is too afraid of Jesus ta mess wit voodoo.

"Dere's no need fo sleepin in de underworld... We had a deal... remember?... Ya shook ma hand.." he replied with his hand extended n dat devil smile on his face

I darted out da bathroom as fast as I could n went to da bedroom. I found da talisman n quickly put it 'round ma neck.. "I gotta get da fuck outta hea!" I said out loud.. n it don't look like Ima win no mo money since I broke da deal. So I'm jes gon hafta use up da gas I got n head back to Shrevepote.. my hometown. I gotta gal up der dats always been loyal to meh ever since we was in school. She always willin ta take care of meh if I need sumwhea ta stay. I thank ha daughtas is all growed up now n outta ha house. Dats too bad... Dey was sum good gals n I ain't hafta force em none. Shole hate dey gone.. Now I hafta fuck sum ole dried up pussy... But I gotta do what I gotta do..

I throw what I can in ma knapsack, grab ma guitar, n peel off... headed back home...  

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