Set Free

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This is a song. I have the melody in my head, but you're welcome to read/sing it however you want! :)

Stiff shoulders

Tight back

Can't make the music


Heart ached

soul sank

Lost the feeling inside,

too slow

And life isn't the same

as it used to be

No longer innocent

and carefree

Thought I could both

swim and fly

Believed it was true

and it's all a lie

All you did was

close my eyes

Saying it would

be all right

Whispered in my ear

and fed me lies

All you did was

close my eyes

Saying it would

be all right

Whispered in my ear

and fed me lies

A musician without


A lover with no


Something's gone


Hate it but can't get

rid of

And life isn't the same

as it used to be

No longer innocent

and carefree

Thought I could both

swim and fly

Believed it was true

and it's all a lie

All you did was

close my eyes

Saying it would

be all right

Whispered in my ear

and fed me lies

You knocked me over

but now I'm set free

Broke me to pieces

don't you worry about me

Lost my beat and rhythm

but now I'm stronger than before

Push me down, I'll get up

now and forevermore

All you did was

close my eyes

Saying it would

be all right

Whispered in my ear

and fed me lies

Don't you worry about me

I'm now... Set Free.

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