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April 13 1934

Ten times the clock sound through the house when Corbyn Besson stands up from his warm place on the couch. He's a normal farmer boy, his family is not that rich. They can't afford a phone just yet. The device had been brought out a few years ago, only for the rich people though the Besson's even have to work on the fields with a wooden plaow tied behind a horse.

They are happy though. The Besson's don't need money to be happy. They just need each other and a good beer sometimes. There is no one who doesn't like the happy family, so no one could have guessed what would happen this very night.

"Goodnight, mother." Corbyn says and kisses his mother on her cheek.

"Goodnight, father." He says and repeats the same action by his dad. It's something that happens every night at his bedtime in the house.

"Good night, son." The parents then say together and smile at the blonde before he goes upstairs to his bedroom.

Corbyn sighs. He is very tired since he worked on the field the whole day. The new crops were now officially ready to grow and with a bit of luck, Corbyn and his parents would have some food during the summer.

Corbyn slips his suspenders from his shoulders and kicks out his wooden clogs. Then he steps out of his pants and dirty shirt before he puts on warm cotton pajamas his mother made him last winter.

Before he dives in his bed, Corbyn sits down on his knees in front of it. He makes a cross on his forehead before crossing his hands and closing his eyes.

"Dear God, please take care of my parents. They took good care of me. I pray also that the harvest will succeed, so we'll have some thing to eat. You've been good for us, thank you." He prays and soon enough he makes another cross on his forehead to end the prayer.

Then he finally slips under the sheets. His eyes are only just closed when he falls asleep.


Corbyn's eyes shoot open. He heard some thing in the house. That's weird, It's still dark outside, no one sjouldbe awake right now.

Suspicious, Corbyn gets out of his bed and walks into the corridor. He can't flick on a light, cause the house where he lives is too far away from the city to have electricity. They still needed to light up candles

Soon his blue eyes are adjusted to the darkness and he walks a bit further, until he sees it. There, in the living room is burning a candle, throwing shadows on the wall which Corbyn can seem. It's not the candle that scares him, it's the shodow that makes his eyes go wide. It's a man with a Gun in his hand.

Before he can stop it, a gasp slips past his lips.

"Did you hear that?" A man's voice whispers from the living room.

"Yeah," Footsteps sound through the silence and as fast as possible Corbyn dives behind a corner to hide.

What are they doing here at this time? Will they kill him and his family? Are they here to steal their belongings?

Thoughts are racing through the blonde boy's head. He didn't even hear the foot steps coming in his direction.

A loud scream leaves his lips as suddenly some one grabs him and picks him up with his collar.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The man holding Corbyn says smirking. The man's friend is standing behind him, pointing the gun at Corbyn.

"Please, just let me go." Corbyn begs scared.

"I don't think I wi...." He's cut off as the door to his parents room slams open and Corbyn's parents run out. Immediately the gun is pointed at them.

Dead (Dorbyn) *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now