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'Daniel's POV'

"Haha, really?" I asked Zach while sipping the beer in my hand.

I had invited the couple over to my house, and after a long time, I had been able to convince Jack to come too.

"Hey, I was drunk, i couldn't help it." He whines and hugs Jack, who is laughing loudly.

"It's okay, Z. No one blames you. It was just all the alcohol." He say and pecks his fiance's lips.

"No! No kissing while I'm in the room!" I yell and throw a pillow at them, proud as it hits both of their heads and they break apart.

They both look at me with a scary glare.

"Pillow fight!" Jack yells and grabs the pillow I just threw not so long ago and launches himself at me, while hitting me against my head with it.

Luckily I had out the beer to the side just in time.

Quickly I grab the nearest pillow and start defending myself by hitting Jack.

Zach is watching us, laughing. "How old are you actually?" He asked making me and Jack stop for a minute. Then we share an agreeing look and we started to attack Zach. Who was unarmed.

"Aaaahh!" He yells when the pillows hit his face and he falls backwards on the ground. Not three secounds layer he has a pillow I'm his hand and is hitting us back.

I had no idea how he got the pillow, but i don't care. I'm having way too much fun now, even though we're acting like 16 year old girls on a sleepover. It should be the alcohol. I didn't drink much, but enough to be a bit tipsy.

Our happiness is cut short when suddenly a loud bang is hear through the house.

We all freeze and look at each other with wide, scared eyes.

"What was that?" Jack whispers, suddenly hugging Zach close.

"I don't know." I answer and throw the pillow back on the couch. "It was probably the cat." I say, not knowing if I'm trying to convince myself or Jack and Zach.

I know Jonah is gone now, but he could have returned already, right?

"Maybe we should go check it out?" I asked them.

Jack immediately starts shaking his head. "No! No! We're not doing that. Do you remember what happened the last time?"

He has a point. "Yeah, you're right. We'll just stay here then." I said and sit down on the couch. So does Jack and Zach.

It's like all the alcohol has been taking out of my blood by that one sound. It did sound kind of like a gunshot.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

Jack shrugs. "I don't know. We can watch a movie?"

"That's a great idea, boo." Zach says and pecks Jack's cheek.

"Alright." I say and get up from the couch. I stand in front of the rack that holds my movies. "Which one?" I asked and soon enough Zach is standing next to me, his eyes scanning over the movies.

"I'm gonna get the snacks." Jack said and skips to the kitchen.

"So, what about a superhero movie?" Zach asked while holding up Batman and superman.

"I agree, but let's watch Batman today, it's been a long time." I said and take Superman out of his hands and put it back in the rack.


Jack's scream making us both freeze. The movie falls out of my hand and I start running to the kitchen.

I look around and didn't see a sign of my friend.

"Jack!" Zach yells. You can hear he is panicking from the time in his voice. "Jack! please answer me!"

Another scream is heard. This time it comes from the hallways, so that's exactly where we go to.

My heart stops when I notice the door to the basement is wide open. Some blood droplets are leasing in.

Oh no....

Zach did notice the blood too and starts rubbing towards the basment, but I stopped him.

"Don't we need some light first." I say and get two flashlights with full batteries out of the cupboardin the hall. I hand one to Zach who flicks it in and disappers into the basement.

I follow him down stairs and let my flashlight light the room.

The basement looks just like I remembered.  Boxes here and there, the smell of dead cat. Only the figure in the corner didn't belong there. It has to be Jack.

"There." I say and point at the corner. When Zach sees it, he starts walking over there.

I don't know what I need to think. The fact that he isn't moving worried me.

And I was right to be worried.

Someone, or something, has Jack nailed to the wall. He has nails through his hands, upper leg and throat. A knife is sticking out of his right eye socket. I guess it must had been the same knife that was used to cut off his nose.

Zach had dropped his flashlight and is now crying silently.

My attention is turned to the place behind Zach though, when I see something move there.

"We have to get out of here." I said and grabbed Zach's arm, dragging him through the basement.

"No!No!Jack!" He cries and it breaks my heart, but we have to get away from here if we want to stay alive. Zach is making it difficult by struggling.

"Come on, Za-....." suddenly he is ripped from my grip and pulled into the darkness. It all went by so fast. By the time I've turned,around and pointrd thr light where Zach had disappeared, he's already killed.

It's isn't as horrible as with Jack, but still. I did hear the crack of his skull when the wooden stake pierced it. The thing that did this to him is nowhere in sight.

The next thing I know, i can see someone running to me in such a speed be became a blur. The flashlight is ripped from my hand and I hear it shatter against the wall. Everything becomes dark as the door to the basement slams shut also.

My heart rate speeds up once again and I start running to where I think is the right direction. Of course I didn't think about the boxes at the moment.

I trip over one and hit the floor. Before I can get up, could hamds are pinning me down. Then I feel a sharp pain, as if something is piercing my heart.

Then Every thing became dark.


I gasp as I open my eyes.

I'm all covered in sweat and the sheets are sticking at my body. My breath is ragging.

That must have been the worst nightmare I've ever had.

I'm glad it's already light outside. The clock on my bedside table telling me that it's 8:00am already. I can't go back to sleep now.

I get up out of my bed.

I know one thing for sure out of the nightmare.

The hair of the blur in my dream hadn't been blond.

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