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I sat silently in the car as my aunt and Lord Cleanthe spoke animatedly. I was glad my aunt had the energy to get out of bed today, for the first time in a long while. They talked about the accords or something of the sort but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was on the Demon King. He called for a private meeting, claiming he wished to meet me. Though, I suspected he wanted to inspect his enemy before I got into power. I only wished that I didn't have to run into Carsir.

"We're here," my aunt stated, the car slowing down in the drop off semi-circle at the front. As I stepped out of the car, my mouth dropped at the large mansion in front of me. The stucco was stained dark grey, matching my gloomy mood.

Before we came to a stop at the door, it opened all the way revealing the king himself. I hadn't seen Alias in the flesh before. He was tall and bulky, power radiating off of him. His skin was deathly pale, the only colour on him was the thick, long locks of hair framing his face, brushing by his shoulders. A well-trimmed beard covered his jaw as he smiled, his striking blue eyes sparkling with what looked like genuine happiness, but we all knew was a menace.

"Valeria," he greeted, bowing his head to her. My aunt repeated his action.

"The days have not aged you Alias," she responded a tight smile on her face. She gestured me forward and placed her hand on the small of my back. "This is my niece, Elena." I lowered my head, a sign of respect though it seemed like much more of a mocking.

"My, my, she is much more beautiful than I thought her out to be," Alias hummed, coming forward to hold my hand -that no longer had a cast on it- and pressing his lips against the back of it. I held my breath as he kissed my hand longer than necessary before looking up, a teasing smile on his face. "Come in." We followed him into his home, guards lining up against the walls. He led us into a large room with a rectangular table for six in the center of it, a meeting room. "Please take a seat."

Both the King and Queen sat on opposite sides, Lord Cleanthe sitting beside my aunt and me on the other side of her. Another demonic woman came forth and sat beside the Lord, bowing her head to us all. She raised her eyes to meet mine, and I almost jumped at the sight of her purple orbs. She took a seat, leaving an empty seat beside mine. Before I could wonder who it was for, my aunt spoke.

"Alias, I suggest we get to the point and not beat around the bush; why did you really bring us here today?" The King chuckled, his deep voice rumbling.

"I did not speak of lies when I said I wished to meet the princess," he mused, looking to me. I held back my disgust and smiled sweetly at him. "As I understand, she is to take your place in a few days." The coronation had crept on me, and before I knew it, it had already been three days before it. My aunt looked at me, and silently gestured for me to answer him.

"That is true," I replied, folding my hands in front of me. I sat up straighter and held my chin high with the confidence I wished I had. As he opened his mouth to reply, a voice interrupted us.

"My apologies father, the traffic was horrible," Carsir spoke, approaching the table. His eyes met mine before sliding to my aunt. "Queen Valeria."

"Carsir," she acknowledged him. The Prince came around the table and sat in the empty seat next to mine. I swallowed before staring ahead, at the space between Lord Cleanthe and the other noble demon. I stayed silent as Carsir settled in, and made sure I acted flawlessly. Any wrong move could give Lord Cleanthe a reason to fight my right as queen, even if the coronation was in three days. Nothing was set in stone.

"Son, this is Princess Elena, the next in line for their throne. And he is my son, Carsir," Alias introduced. My face remained neutral as I nodded once at Carsir before my gaze returned to the wall. "Like I was saying, I wished to meet the beautiful queen to be before she became so."

"I don't believe so," my aunt said. "I think this is about the treaty."

"Another important topic of course," he said. I held back a frown.

"What about it Alias? If this is no longer an urgent meeting as you claimed it was, we are all quite busy-"

"I no longer want this peace treaty." The silence that followed was deafening. The knowledge of the Demon King's disapproval of said treaty was well known amongst the royals but having the words finally being said was a knife in the back. "It does not satisfy me." As he spoke, Carsir's hand touched my thigh under the table. I bit my lip, frustrated and pushed it away, still not looking his way.

"What about it does not satisfy you?" I asked, suddenly curious. Alias slick gaze drew to me, eyebrows raised.

"Simple; I have no benefit. I cannot become more powerful. On the other hand, slaughtering your kind will eliminate any competition. Though, there are other ways to keep the peace that will benefit me personally." I shivered, catching his underlying meaning. My eyes flitted over to the man beside me, falling onto his fisted hand. White-knuckled, he looked ready to kill. "But that is not important today. I think you all should see my amazing wine collection."

"Excuse me, but I need to freshen up," I said, getting to my feet.

"Of course, it is up the stairs and to the left," Alias said, as everyone rose. My aunt spoke to Gideon in hush tones as I hurried upstairs, following his instructions to the washroom. The upper level of the mansion was much quieter, very few guards present. I closed the door and flicked the light switch on, taking in the large room. I made my way to the edge of the jacuzzi, sitting on the side. I held my face in my hands, trying to control my heavy breathing.

The door creaked open, and Carsir entered, locking it behind him.

"Leave me alone Carsir," I pleaded, making sure my voice was quiet.

"I won't. I won't ever leave you," he said, coming close to me. He sat on his knees in front of me, holding my hands in his soft ones. His eyes softened, a piece of hair falling into his eyes. "Please talk to me." I couldn't bear to look at his beautiful face anymore and moved my gaze away.

"Elena," he whispered, his hands cupping my cheeks. He turned my head so he can meet my eyes.

"What? What do you want me to say? That I forgive you? Or that I'm sorry for overreacting?" I demanded. "I'm not like your other girls Carsir, I won't be swayed by your charm."

"No, you can be angry at me Elena. For as long as you want, but you have to know that I didn't mean a single fucking word. I was jealous, and for no reason either because we aren't exclusive," he said in one breath, muttering something under his breath. "And there are no other girls Elena, there hasn't been for a long time."

"Even if you were jealous, that isn't an excuse for saying I'm only good for sex, as true as it may be," I said replied, shaking my head. I pulled his hand off me and stood, stepping around him to the door. In a flash, Carsir blocked my path to the door.

"That isn't true, you're funny and beautiful and everything I want Elena," he admitted. "Give me another chance, I'm begging you." I took a deep breath and tried to move around him. His cologne surrounded me as he swerved to block me. Again. I put both my hands on his chest and tried to shove him away when he grabbed both my wrists and pulled me to him, chest to chest. His hands slid down to my waist, as I leaned my head up to meet his gaze. My breath was shaky, his head moving down to meet me halfway.

Fuck. I couldn't resist. Besides, one little kiss couldn't hurt, right?

Our lips met and we kissed slowly, filled with a burning passion. We had never kissed like this, fiery and meaningful, and one that didn't lead to sex. My hands made their way into his hair, tangling themselves in between the thick strands. As he slid his tongue into my mouth, his hands tightened their hold on my waist, before he picked me up. I yelped but we didn't pull away as we walked over to the counter. He set me down gently and rested his weight on either side of me.

I finally backed away for a breath. His eyes were wide, and vulnerable, showing me a side of him I had never seen before. "I really want this to work Elena, but how can it?" I sighed.

"I have an idea, and it isn't perfect but it's all we got," I said. 

A/N: My updating schedule is so messed up but that's exam season for you :)

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