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A/N: Trigger warning: Mentions of sexual abuse are in this chapter. Please proceed with caution. 

Carsir's POV


Red was all I saw as I stormed through the palace halls towards the throne room. My eyes were blazing, hands balled up in fists. I slammed the doors open, my father's attention snapping to me. He stood from his seat on the throne, a smirk on his lips. A mocking, knowing smirk. The guards around him, all moved to action, putting their hands on their holsters.

"Relax, guards," Alias called out, motioning for them to lower their weapons. "I'm sure my son is here to talk peacefully."

"Like I hell I am!" I shouted, climbing up the steps to the throne, grabbing the lapels of his suit. "You are disgusting-"

"What is it that I have done that makes me so disgusting?" he asked calmly, a smile on his face. I shoved him back, letting him stumble a few steps back before regaining his balance.

"You raped two innocent women! And they might not be the only ones," I spat, my nails digging into my palms as I fisted my hands tightly.

"Rape? That is a big and completely false accusation you are throwing around, son," he replied, shrugging.

"Don't call me, son, Alias! You don't have the right to because you took my mother away from me!" I screamed. The smug facade he had cracked as his left eye twitches unnervingly. "You raped her then killed her!" I could see the guards alarmed expressions, new information surprising each and every one of them.

"Your mother killed herself and that is completely on her. And rape?" he scoffed, "she was my wife, I already had her permission," Alias sneered, stepping down from the steps surrounding the throne. He approached me, his eyes almost daring me to continue.

"You liar!" I roared, moving to jump him when hands held me back. Several guards were holding onto me. I twisted and turned, struggling to escape their grasp.

"Let him go," he ordered the soldiers, "he is mine to deal with. It's time I taught my son a lesson about respect." The men around me hesitantly backed off as Alias rolled up his sleeves. We stare down at each other from a distance, giving me a chance to calculate a strategy. "You stand here talking to me about morals, yet, you are no saint."

"I have done nothing," I bit out, narrowing my eyes at him. We circled each other.

"Nothing?" he asked incredulously. "I guess banging my slut of a wife means nothing to you." I held back a gasp of shock. "What, you didn't think I would find out my own flesh and blood was having an affair with my wife?"

"Elena is not a slut, and don't you dare call her that ever again," I roared. "You forced yourself on her."

"She is my wife. When she agreed to marry me, she agreed to sex," Alias said. He took a step towards me, close enough so I could feel his breath on my cheek, lowering his voice. "Besides, her pussy was soaking wet-" I tackled him to the floor, the weight of my body sending us both flying. The guards stayed a distance away, forced to listen to the order's of their king to stay back. I used his shock as an advantage to send a punch across his face. He screamed in pain, blocking out the sickening crunch of his nose breaking and blood squirting. His hands escaped from under me and clawed at my face, scratching my cheeks, a searing pain. I punched him again and again until his hands fell away from my face.

"You raped my mother," I growled, wrapping my fingers around his throat. I didn't know if he was conscious or not because his eyes were closed. "You murdered her." My grip tightened. "You raped the woman I love." And tightened. "And you are gonna pay for it." A faint cough left Alias' lips, showing a small sign of life.

"Carsir, let him go!" A voice cried from behind me. Elena. I didn't turn to face her but the sound of her voice only reminded me of the pain she radiated because of Alias. A pain he deserved to feel. "Carsir, you are better than this, please let him go." I felt her hand on my back and that was my snap back to reality. My fingers loosened, letting Alias fall back limp to the floor.

I stood and slowly turned to Elena, breathing heavy. Her hands covered her mouth as she looked at me, tears clouding her eyes. "Oh God, Carsir." She wrapped her arms around my stomach, burying her head in my chest. I then noticed my shirt was gone, my wings ripping through the fabric as they sprouted out of me. She pulled away, holding my raw and bloodied hands in hers.

Blood coated my knuckles and was sprayed across my body like splattered paint. "Why did you do this?" she sobbed, peeling her cardigan off her shoulders. She used it to wipe my hands and body of blood, her tears soaking the cloth. I gently grabbed her chin, tilting it up to face me. Tears streamed down her beautiful face, ruining the flawless beauty.

"I wanted him to feel pain, Elena. He's a monster," I admitted. Elena reached up and cupped my face, her thumbs brushing under my eyes to wipe tears I didn't even know were there. "I'm sorry, Elena. I failed you."

"How, Carsir?

"I couldn't protect you from him. I didn't even realize what was happening. I'm so sorry," I repeated, shaking my head. Elena tugged me down so I was bent over in her arms. She just held me close to her, our bodies pressed together in a way they hadn't before.

"It's not your fault, baby," she whispered, stroking my hair. I wrapped my arms around her tiny body, letting her heat soak into me. "It's not your fault."

"Do you still love me?" I asked quietly into her neck, my eyes squeezed closed. She laughed softly, a smile gracing her face.

"I never stopped."

A/N: This book is coming to an end. There is only one more chapter then the epilogue!

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