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"I'm ready to get fucking wasted," I exclaimed, ripping the cap off the bottle of vodka. I had a love, hate relationship with it. I hated how it burned going down your throat, but I loved the feeling of floating after four shots.

"Last time that happened, you threw up all over me and passed out," Chase scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm capping shots at 4, then strictly beer only." Typically, bachelorette parties were a whole bunch of women, spending their last night of freedom at strip clubs and having fun with her friends. My party was spending time with my two friends; Chase and alcohol. I extended an invitation to Lincoln but he politely declined, still uncomfortable with the idea of me being an Angel. Though he did accept attending the wedding.

"Tell me that in four shots," I said, sloppily pouring the alcohol into eight plastic shot cups. We stood at Chase's kitchen counter, looking for a night of forgetting. He took a cup into his hand and I matched his movements. "The first one to finish four wins." He nodded.

"Three, two, one, go!" he called. I tossed my cup back, gagging at the flavour of cheap vodka. Expensive vodka was amazing, but the familiar cheap vodka I used to live off of in college was my go-to. I grabbed for the second shot, already wincing at the thought of the horrible hangover I was to wake up to the next morning. Before I knew it, I threw the fourth shot back, my throat burning as I shook my head, pursing my lips together.

"I win!" I screamed as I slammed the cup down. Chase brought down his final cup a second after me, coughing.

"That is fucking disgusting! God knows why you buy this shit when you have an endless supply of money," Chase muttered, running his hands through his hair. He reached over, popped two bottles of Corona open and passed one to me. "Let's watch some bad TV." We slumbered over in front of his TV, settling into the couch. I sipped on the beer as we flipped through the channels.

"Let's watch a horror movie," I said, pressing onto the remote. He swiped it from my hands, changing the channel to a reality TV show. I giggled, attempting to take the remote back. "Nooo!"

"Shut up, Elena," he said. I rolled my eyes but listened to him anyways. But I wasn't paying attention to the show and absentmindedly drank my beer, lost in my thoughts. Just two months ago, if someone had told me I was getting married, I would have laughed in their faces. And in two days, I was going to be married. Me. I laughed out loud, hard enough that tears escaped my eyes.

"I'm getting married!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. "Chase, can you even believe that? Me, the slutty girl who lives for dick and no commitment, is getting married!" He groaned and stood, stumbling as he did so.

"I'm going to go piss," he announced, staggering to that general direction. I sighed, turning my head to look at the door. My eyes dropped to where my phone was and I eyed it. With a shrug, I grabbed it and called the first number in my log.

"Elena?" Carsir asked.

"Hey! What's up, babe?" I asked, stretching every vowel. I imagined his face, eyebrows knitted together in confusion, his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned forward. I snickered.

"Are you drunk?" he demanded. He sounded so sexy.

"Noooooope." I popped the 'p' at the end. "I'm with my friends, Chase and Vod-" I hiccuped.


"Vod-" I hiccuped again.

"Who are you with?" he asked again. I could hear rustling in the back and the starting of a car. I frowned.

"Don't come here! You're going to ruin all the fun!" I whined, pouting. He was going sober me up and put me to bed. I hiccuped. He didn't reply and hung up just as Chase reentered the room. I tossed my phone to the side with a dramatic sigh. "Carsir is coming."


"So we can have a threesome," I said, making a 'duh' noise. We finished up our beers and Chase took the bottles back to the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I opened it, a giddy smile on my face when I saw my man. "Hey, baby." I wrapped myself around him, kissing him. He gently kissed me back but pulled away quickly, eyes scanning the room.

"Where are your friends?" he asked.

"In the kitchen!" I held his hand and dragged him inside. Chase grinned at him and I pick up the bottle of vodka. "That's Chase and this is Vodka." I smiled charmingly. Carsir sighed, rubbing his face tiredly.

"Elena..." he trailed off, then promptly turned on his heel and headed into the living room. I stared after him in confusion, then grabbed the bottle and followed him, Chase on my heels.

"I have an idea to cheer everyone up; spin the bottle!"

"No," Carsir said immediately. Chase sat on the ground in front of the couch and joined across from him. I patted the seat beside me.

"Please, Carsir," I begged, pouting. "For me." He looked torn but sank down beside me. "Okay!" I spun the bottle, and it turned quickly before slowing down and pointing to Chase. I smiled at my best friend. Carsir watched with mild interest as I crawled to my friend. I sat back on my heels and reached out to cup his broad jaw. I brought my lips down to his plush ones, kissing him softly. He kissed me back, his fingers tangling up in my hair. I giggled into his lips and kissed him a little harder, moaning a little. We let go, breathless, cheeks flushed and lips were swollen. I crawled back to my spot, touching my lips. Carsir looked... turned on.

"For a gay guy, you kissed me pretty well," I teased Chase, grinning. He shook his head.

"I'm not gay, Elena. I'm just- not straight- I guess. I don't have a label for myself," he explained with a shrug and wry smile. My mouth formed an 'o' and I nodded in understanding.

"Your turn," I gestured to Carsir. He spun the bottle and it landed on me. With an easy smile, he kissed me softly, just like we have a thousand times before. I melted into his familiar touch, pulling back with a soft sigh. Chase reached out and flicked the bottle and it spun and spun until it stopped at Carsir. Chase sucked in a sharp breath but leaned in nervously.

I watched as he licked his lips before touching them to Carsir's. It was hesitant at first, then Chase gasped as Carsir cupped his cheeks. My boyfriend pulled back and met my eyes, asking for permission.

"Go for it," I whispered, biting my lip. Carsir smirked and kissed Chase harder, sliding his tongue into his. Chase groaned when Carsir tugged him forward and he stumbled into my boyfriend's lap. As they kissed passionately, I felt myself getting strangely aroused. My hand made its way up Chase's body and he pulled back from Carsir to look at me. I surprised him by kissing him hard then Carsir. We all paused, staring at each other.

"Is this really happening?" I asked, breaking the tension-filled silence. I met their eyes and they both were breathing heavily, lust dripping from their eyes.

"I've never had a threesome," Chase said, laughing nervously. Carsir shrugged. I pulled off my shirt and peeled my jeans off as they both watched me curiously.

"Well, there's a first time for everything."

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