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A few hours later, I flipped through a book absentmindedly, reading but not paying a single ounce of attention to the words. Instead, I thought about all the recent events that had happened. First, Carsir. I had single-handedly ruined my already fucked up relationship with him by scaring him off with three words. It only took three words to send him running off. I hadn't seen him hours after the encounter or dinner either.

Second, Alexandra. I rolled her name around in my brain, letting the information swirl around in my head. She and my father had an affair, but why? Julius hadn't told us the reason why she cheated on Alias but I suspected he knew why. I could see him holding back the information but, it was clear that he was uncomfortable talking about it. Only one other person I was sure knew the reason.

"Elena?" Agatha poked her head in. Speak of the Devil.

"Come and sit with me, Agatha," I replied, patting the seat on the bed beside me. She closed the door behind me and followed my instructions, her face concerned.

"What has happened?"

"I want you to tell me something and I want complete honesty. Can you do that for me?" I asked. She was hesitant, the reluctance obvious on her face. I set my book down.

"I can."

"Why did Alexandra cheat on Alias?" I asked, furrowing my brows. Agatha sat up straighter, her eyes moving to the ground. I touched her hand, her gaze meeting mine slowly.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you," she answered.

"Then I am no longer asking you as a friend. I'm demanding you tell me as a Queen," I said, my tone hardening. I needed the truth.

"She made me promise not to tell a soul, Elena. I cannot fail her now," she protested, pursing her lips together.

"I just want to know," I took a deep breath, "did Alias rape her?"


"Agatha, please answer me," I pleaded, my voice weakening. A tiny nod. I clamped my hand over my mouth, gasping. "I thought they loved each other-"

"They did." Agatha swallowed deeply. "Their marriage was completely political and at first they resented each other. But soon enough, they fell in love and it was like a fairytale. They had the Prince and a year after he was born, she was with child again." I never knew about this either.

"Four months into the pregnancy, she unfortunately miscarried and their whole marriage fell apart. For years, he barely spoke to her, but continued to use her as a s-sex toy," Agatha explained, hiccuping over her words. "I remember wiping the blood of her and holding her as she cried in my arms." She paused, her hand on her heart as if talking about it brought her physical pain.

"She didn't want to live anymore, but she couldn't leave her child with her husband. So she endured until she found someone. That was the first time I had seen her happy in over three years, and God knows she deserved it. I understand you know about it?" I nodded. "Raphael made her so happy, but something went very wrong many months later."

"What happened?" I sat up straighter, listening carefully. She was breathing heavier, nervous.

"The King happened. I think he found out," she blurted out, tears in her eyes. My breath caught in my throat.

"You don't think..."

"What I'm about to say, Elena, cannot leave this room," Agatha said. I didn't say anything or nod, but she continued anyway. "I think he killed her."

"Murder?" I stammered. "It was written off as a suicide."

"Yes, but he is the King. He has the power to get away with murder," she reminded. "He killed her, then set up the crime scene to make it look like a suicide." I was thoroughly taken aback, shock freezing my thoughts over.

"God, Agatha. What are we going to do?"

A/N: I just wanted to wish Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians and happy birthday to myself!

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