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Mature Content Warning (18+)

As Alias was being held in the high court's jail, Carsir had become prince regent. He had taken the role seriously and attended his first meeting with his council. I sat impatiently on my bed, watching the sunset outside, the minutes ticking by slowly. It had been hours since the meeting had started and I was jumping with nerves. What were they going to do with Alias? Would he be released or would he stay in prison for the rest of his life?

The door opened, ripping me out my thoughts. Startled, I jerked up, facing a tired Carsir. He smiled grandly at me as I barrelled myself into his arms. "What happened? What did they say? Is he going to stay in jail?" Carsir kissed me chastely, effectively shutting me up.

"He's going on trial, but the odds are stacked against him. If everything goes well, he should rot in prison," Carsir replied, walking past me. He loosened the tie around his neck before pulling it off, his fingers working quickly on the buttons on his shirt.

"That's good-"

"Prison is mercy. To let him live is doing the world an injustice," Carsir interrupted, turning to me, his eyes ablaze. I bit my lip as I approached him, moving his hands from his chest. He was hellbent on making Alias suffer but, as long as he was out of my life, I was content. I wanted to move on and live my life, not revenge.

"Maybe you're right," I hummed, unbuttoning his shirt for him. I pushed it off his shoulders, his tattoos stark against his skin. "But right now, the last thing I want to think about is Alias." I raised myself on my tip-toes and kissed him gently, holding onto his shoulders as support. I was nervous and anxious to initiate any form of sex with Carsir. What if he thought of me as used and damaged goods? What we had before was amazing but the last few weeks had changed me completely.

Carsir returned my kisses almost hesitantly, falling back on the bed when I pushed him gently. I sat on his lap, but before I could continue, he stopped me. "Wait, Elena, are you sure about this?"

"Of course," I answered, my hands deftly unbuckling his pants. He placed his hands over mine, making me pause.

"Look at me, Elena," he prodded softly. I slowly made my way to meet his warm gaze, guilt filling me up. "Are you sure you're ready for sex?" I sighed shakily.

"I really want to, dammit. But, I feel like I'm not supposed to," I whispered, blinking tears away. Feeling turned on was wrong, especially after such traumatic events...right? Was it even natural to ever enjoy sex again?

"We don't have to-"

"I want to, Carsir! I want to feel you inside me again, I want to feel you," I admitted, biting my lip. His erection poked at me, but his face remained calm.

"We can go slow and take our time," he said. I nodded and he cupped my face, gently bringing my lips to his. "No rush." He gently easily flipped us around so I was lying on the bed, letting him take the reins. His lips trailed down to my neck and lowered towards my breasts. My nipples were puckered and ready in my flimsy nightgown and all it took was Carsir to pull the straps down to expose my whole breast. He brought the hardened nub into his mouth, sucking on one, his eyes rising to meet mine. I whimpered, reaching for something to hold. Carsir slipped his hand, letting me use it as a reminder who I was in bed with.

While his mouth was entertaining my upper half, his free hand played with the hem of my panties. His fingers traced the soaked fabric, making me jerk with want. "Please," I whispered. He slowly slipped a hand inside, touching my slick slit. His mouth left a path of kisses before joining his hands. The hand in mine loosened, but I snatched it back to me.

"Don't let go of me," I pleaded, holding onto him tightly. He nodded and continued on his journey. He peeled the panties off me, then used a single hand to pull his own pants down, revealing his impressive package. Carsir aligned himself with me, letting some of his weight fall onto me. He intertwined both his hands with mine, pushing them up so they rested above my head. The crown of his cock brushed against my clit, making me jolt upwards. He entered me slowly, letting me take him inch by inch.

I could feel myself immediately slipping away, my mind jumping to unsavoury thoughts. As if Carsir could sense my absence, his hand clenched in mine. "Look at me, my love," he said. I opened my eyes that were squeezed closed, letting myself take him in. His full lips, chiseled face, and warmth that his glowing eyes surrounded me with.

I moaned into his mouth as he pressed his lips to mine, his tongue exploring my mouth. His thrusts were slow and fulfilling, sliding out of pussy with a trail of my juices before sliding back in. "Give it to me," I groaned, my clit creating friction against his pelvis.

"I love you," Carsir whispered against my neck, his thrusts quickening ever so slightly. He opened his eyes, worry immediately sprouting in them. "Why are you crying?" he demanded, his movements freezing.

"What...?" I trailed, noticing for the first time the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Did I do something?" he asked.

"No!" I exclaimed. "You're just so beautiful, I can't believe it." Carsir chuckled, kissing the tears away before meeting my lips, letting me taste the saltiness. "Let me feel all of you, baby." He followed my instructions and pushed his whole cock into me, sending a gasp to my lips. The motion made my toes curl, brushing against the plush feathers of his wings.

"God, Elena," he moaned against my throat, shuddering at the touch of his sensitive spot.

"Faster," I bit out. He complied, his thrusts growing faster. A deep pressure built in my core, and I shook uncontrollably as the feeling grew and grew. Incoherent noises bubbled out of me, my hips raising to meet Carsir's. Light exploded from behind my closed eyes, and my whole body spazzed and I knew I had orgasmed. I painfully rode the pleasure, and as soon as the wave had passed, I opened my eyes to see Carsir staring at me, his eyes glazed over.

He groaned and came, hot liquid squirting into me. "Fuckkkkk," he grunted, flopping on the bed beside me. I turned to face him, breathing heavily, head pounding.

"Why were you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Did I say something?"

"Seeing you orgasming is the most beautiful sight in the world. It's the eighth wonder of the world. " I blushed, burying my head in his chest which was covered by a layer of light sweat. Carsir pulled away a minute later and like always, retrieved a damp towel from the bathroom and wiped my sex clean. It was small things like this that made me fall in love with him. He crawled into bed with me, turned the lights off and held me.

I tried to sleep but failed, unable to relax enough. "Are you planning on sleeping?" Carsir asked a few minutes later.

"I'm scared," I admitted. His hold on my hips dipped lower until he was cupping my buttocks.


"Alias -touched me when I was sleeping, and I'm scared that if I let my guard down, he'll reappear," I blurted out. When I was met with silence, I added, "it's stupid I know."

"It isn't. And you're safe when I'm here Elena. I won't let you ever get hurt again," Carsir promised, kissing the top of my head. "I'll protect you."

And for the first time in weeks, I slept fearlessly in the arms of the man I loved.

A/N: Epilogue next chapter! Remember to like and comment if you enjoyed the chapter!

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