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It's been two months since Hayley made a deal with Katherine, I've been in mystic falls on my own. I don't know anyone here besides Bonnie Bennett but even then we're just strangers.

Ever since Hayley and i parted ways, for the time being, I feel so lonely. She told me that it wouldn't be safe for me to go with her. I thought that what she was saying was stupid but she had a point.

As I was walking around town, appreciating the beauty of Mystic Falls at night, I felt like I was being followed. Which I was. I was at the corner of my apartment complex when these Vampires bombarded me

"You're Hayley's Witch" the tall vampire said

"No" I replied as I tried to get away but the other vampire grabbed me and I couldn't move

"Katherine sent us, to kill you so you wouldn't look for Hayley"

Hayley? I began to get scared for her, angry if anything.

I begin to siphon the magic from the vampire holding me and his skin turns grey.

Suddenly, Klaus appeared, grabbing the vampire who threatened me by his jacket. "Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady."

I continued to siphon the vampire that was holding me and I heard Klaus throw the other vampire to the side, the vampire holding me fell to the ground desicated

"Well you're no damsel in distress are you?" Klaus said to me smiling

"How did you know I was in trouble?" I asked him

"I was walking down the street when I heard you struggling" Klaus told me.

It was awkward for awhile. I hugged him.

"Thank you" I whispered in his ear and Klaus' heart beat a bit faster as I began to let go, "I need to find Hayley, something's wrong."

"Love, you're not going anywhere. You have a target on your back." Klaus told me as he sped me away to his house.


I was dressed in new clothes and sitting at Klaus' fancy dinner table, grabbing a fancy glass to drink his fancy wine. He sat opposite me, ready to interrogate me about Katherine.

"You're rested, fed, safe. Tell me about Katerina"

"Not until I know your witch found Hayley." I told Klaus trying to sound stern but my soft voice betrays me.

Klaus smirked. "You never fail to amaze me Marie. My witch texted me her location, she's alive and well. I'll give it to you once you tell me what you know about Katrina or why your friend Hayley is in communication with her."

I looked down and smiled in my lap, relieved that my bestfriend is safe.

"I don't know anything about Katherine, Hayley is a hopeful orphan and Katherine said she knew something about her parents. Hayley told me to stay in an apartment and to lay low until she came here we are."

"Why are you so attached to someone who isn't really your family?" Klaus asked me

I looked up and looked at him, looking at the curiosity dancing on his face. "Family isn't bound by blood, it's bound by loyalty and who wants to love and nurture you. If you want to know that story I'm going to need more wine" I tell Klaus smiling at him as I bite my lip.

Klaus smiled at me, "are you an angel?"

I smiled at him and waved my empty glass in his direction, "Far from it Nikalus"


I've had another glass in my hand, I don't know how many I've had but I was definitely drunk.

Klaus had just got off the phone and is now sharing what he learned. "Your friend says that she has a lead on her family in New Orleans, she'll be waiting for you. You can leave"

I turned to look at him, smiling. "I could be persuaded to stay, spill some more of my memories with Hayley and my childhood, and maybe you can do something for me." I tell Klaus as i stand up and get in his personal space, he doesn't seem to mind.

Klaus looked past me and turned me around so my back is pressed against his chest, "You see that painting right there?"

Klaus gently lifted up my arm to point my sight on the painting, chills ran up my arm

"Yes" I told him softly

"do you want to know why I like that painting?"

"Why?" I said curiously, wondering that Klaus was getting to

"because all the colors, ranges from brightest of reds to the darkest of blacks. To be it represents the innocence of birth to the destruction that life throws our way until we die." Klaus whispered in my ear, i can feel his breath on his neck

I bit my bottom lip as I slowly turned around to face him, our noses close to touching

"Are you leaving or staying. Love.?" Klaus asked me as he moved my hair from my shoulder and looked me in the eyes hungrily

I feel butterflies in my stomach, my gut is telling me to leave but my instincts are telling me to stay. I shouldn't do this, this is wrong. this is bad.

"Give me a reason to stay" I tell Klaus as I play with the collar of his shirt

Klaus looked at my lips before crashing his to mine. he forcefully pushed his tongue into my mouth as he grabbed my shoulders roughly. It was full of hunger and passion, the best kiss I've ever received.

 It was full of hunger and passion, the best kiss I've ever received

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I never felt this much passion or lust. I need this.

Klaus removed his shirt before kissing me again and using vampire speed he rushed us to a nearby table and he pushed me on it as he ripped my shirt off. He kissed my neck before pushing me on my back, I let out a moan and I hear him growl. Sexy.

My fingers combing through his blond hair. I'm enjoying every minute and I don't care.

 I'm enjoying every minute and I don't care

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