La Grand Guignol

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Hayley and I brought Sabine/Celeste to the bayou, it was not morning and the witch was tied to a tree.

Hayley walked over to her and ripped the tape of her mouth, Eve and I stood behind her holding shot guns.

"So, what's this? payback? Look, I'm sorry I tricked you, I wasn't after you" She told Hayley and then looking at me as well. I rolled my eyes and walked over, Eve behind me.

"What we were just collateral damage?" Eve asked, voice full of anger

The crescent wolves who began to gather around us growled but Hayley lifted her hand up and they all calmed.

"You almost burned Hayley, Jackson, and I in that plantation fire." I told the witch

Sabine/Celeste moved to try to loosen the rope binding her, I shot next to her foot to warn her of any attempts to escape.

"Careful Sabine, all because my sister can't use her magic on you doesn't mean she can't use other things to keep you at bay" Hayley said harshly

"Or Celeste, whatever you like to call yourself. Sudden moves make me jumpy and homicidal" I smirk at her

"What? You're gonna kill me honey?"

"No we know better" Hayley replied, walking closer to her, "See, we know all about you. We know you like to off yourself and jump into other people's bodies, well, that's not gonna happen here."

Sabine/Celeste rolled her eyes and Hayley chuckled, "I know I can't kill you but try hexing Marie and I? Or our friend Eve, Marie will gladly shoot off your kneecap" 

"What do you guys want?" Celeste said, tired of our threats.

I spoke up, "Back in the 90s, you inhabited a witch named Brynne Deveraux, Marcel asked you to put a curse on a lot of werewolves so that they'd only turn human on a full mood" 

Celeste laughed, "I see, you want revenge?" 

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm not like you. I want you to undo the curse."


We untied Celeste from the tree to allow her to mix a potion, she agreed to help us undo the curse on the Crescent wolves and I watched her, to make sure she didn't try anything

Hayley didn't trust her at all. I got her to play nice for the sake of our pack.

"here" Celeste handed me the jar once she was done. "It's herbs ground in a paste, it'll act as a conduit for the spell. On the next full moon your people will become human, feed it to them and the curse will be broken."

"You do know I'm a witch too. If I find anything in here like poison? I will gladly turn you into a vampire and trap you in this body." I threatened 

"Look, I know you and Hayley have no reason to trust me, but Marie I actually like you both."

I raised my eyebrows and Hayley looked over amused with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I was you," she continued, "Caring for a Mikaelson, doing so killed me. I don't want the same to happen to you both, whichever brother you care for, they will be the death of you, I want to give you a chance to free yourself from the Originals and protect the Original Three. Those girls you both carry are very special little girls"

Hayley looked down at her stomach, "I'm having a girl?"

"yes, the ancestors deemed it so, but that doesn't mean there aren't wicked ancestors who will see the death of them. You need to get away from the Mikaelsons"

"Don't believe her," Eve spoke up, "If anything it's the Mikaelsons and our pack that will protect the children"

The wolves began to growl, when I looked up I saw why, Elijah."

"Whatever she's promised you, it's a lie" He said walking over to Hayley and I, moving us out her Celeste's grasp

"Elijah it's fine," Hayley spoke up, "we're okay"

"She cannot be trusted."

"She's the only one that can help our pack," Hayley said

"Do you have any idea what she's done to our family?" He said looking between us

Hayley turned him to look at her, "I know you want revenge and come the next full moon when Marie and I are sure her cure works, she's all yours" 

"Are you suggesting we hold her captive for an entire month? It would take an army."

"yeah well I got one." I spoke up to Elijah, the wolves growled and howled. "So help us or leave"

Elijah looked at me and then back to Hayley apologizing for a moment before using vampire speed to take the cure from my hand as well as Sabine.

Hayley looked at me and i rolled my eyes


H A Y L E Y 

I sat on a log and waited for Elijah and Celeste, I was hoping they would return. I was right

"You came back," I stood relieved 

"I always do" Elijah said approaching me, "Take it."

I looked at the Jar, smiling at him

"It will work" he assured me

I took the jar from his hands and looked at Elijah, grateful "Eve, Marie, and i will round up as many of our people as we can. Come full mood, I can finally free my family"

I wrapped my arms around him and I felt tears of Joy threatening to spill but I managed to hold them back and I was reluctant to let him go, it felt good being in his arms.

"Hayley" Elijah said, letting me go.

He combed his fingers through my hair as he placed his hand against my cheek and lifted his chin to kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes as our foreheads touched.

"I wonder if they have any idea how lucky they are to have you," Elijah murmured.

"I'm the lucky one I said, turning to face Marie, who was petting Jackson. I flashed Elijah one last smile and I headed back to my pack.

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