Couple Months Later...

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"Thank you guys!", Queen says aloud on the microphone as the crowd applauded.
She nervously walked offstage with a grin on her face.

"She leaving just like that!? Give it up for Queen Naija everybody!", the hostess says.

Everyone claps and cheers again.

"You did it!", her 3 cousins said clapping on the side as she gives them a hug.

"Can I get a picture with you, Queen?", some random music guy says.

"Yeah that's fine", She goes over to take a picture.

Maya is behind her recoding on live every step and movement for her fans that are at home.

A voice sneaks up from behind Maya and Queen.

"Can- can I get a picture with the superstar?", Clarence asks smoothly.

"Yeah, yeah", Maya says.

"Awww", Queen says with a grin on her face.

"Am I allowed to?", he says joking.

"Hold on I gotta check", Maya says jokingly. "Nah, Nah, lemme check with security".

Queen grabs him arm, "He don't need to securityyy".

"Oh alright".

Clarence hands someone the phone, he goes next to Queen and puts his arm around her as a pose for the picture. Queen gets into a stance- Clarence moves her leg over a little so the picture can capture her full fit.

"Wait, is my arm fat?", Queen asks out loud.

Clarence chuckles.

"Queen chill", Maya tells her. "Just take the picture".

She puts her hand on her hip instead. The camera person hands the phone to Queen and Clarence comes up behind her. They put their heads together to see if they like them.

Maya comes up to them and ends the live. Clarence puts his arm around Queen and Queen puts her arm around his waist. She lets Queen know that she will be performing again today at the club Avalon.

They walk down the ramp and people are already coming up to her asking for pictures. The little girls wanting to take pictures with Queen warms her heart. Not only does it warm her heart because little beautiful girls look up to her but, she always wanted a little girl of her own. As they keep walking, a small crowd comes up to her and one little girl stands out.

"Look at this cutie", Clarence record the little girl who runs up to him.

"Hi, I'm Savanna!", she says excitedly. "I'm eleven years old!"

Clarence laughs.

Older folks started coming up too asking for pictures with both Queen and Clarence.

"Hi, how you doin", Clarence greets people.

"Hi, awww thank you", Queen greets people.

"Oooo girl, you wearing my favorite color", Queen tells the fan before she takes a picture with her.

A young lady comes up silently and Queen peeps her nervousness.

"Hi, you wanna take a picture?"

She quietly gets in between Queen and Clarence and puts her mouth and begins to get teary eyed.

"Awww, she about to cry?", Queen chuckles.

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