Who knows?

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Clarence sees a package on the table with his name on it, "Let's see what I got", he said aloud. His bestfriend/roommate, Darrelle a.k.a Patty, comes near the table, "What chu got, bro?"

"I don't know, niggas just gettin' packages now", Clarence responded referring to himself. He opens the package and there are a 8 silky, different colored du-rags from his manager.

"We got the different flava dueys", Clarence said excitingly.

"He sent you a duey?", Patty asked.

"Yeah, this what happens when you got good hair and a good beard".

He opens one and shows Patty the black durag, "Black with the yellow, and it's silky though".

"Oooooo", Patty says liking the durag.

"Nice...Nice...Niceeee", Clarence adds.

Patty laughs because he thinks its funny how Clarence feels about his du-rags.

Clarence opens up another one, "Spicy Red?", he observes it. "Depending on how I'm feeling".

"Ooooooh, Ooookayyyy" Patty says hyping Clarence up.

He picks up his new orange durag, "This is really what- ooooohhh, pshhhh", Clarence is speechless while putting his head back.

"This nigga stupid", Patty laughs to one of Clarence's little cousin, Devin, sitting on the couch.

"Pshhh, I would've worn this for Halloween", he puts it on.

"You could play for Syracuse, bro" Patty says.

Clarence goes to the mirror to see how it looks, "This is spicy, Both of y'all come here".

Patty and Devin laugh and come near Clarence.

"Stop right there". He shows them another durag, "It's not regular silk- catch the glitter, you gotta catch the shine to it, you gotta catch the shine bro- catch the quality. This is good silky- hold on right there, we doin' good silkies"?

Patty laughs, "This kid has to be stopped!"

"Nah, come here".

"Yo niggas gotta stop this nigga Clarence, man".

He picks up a durag from the floor, "I just got this one yesterday, a friend of mine doing du-rags now. That's the homie".

"That's silky?", Patty asked.

"Yeahhh, good material. Look. Foreign money", Clarence points out the design on the du-rag.

"Uhuhhhh, ooohkayyyy", Patty hyping him up again.

"She got all flavas. Y'all see first hand how my silk game is, I can walk from right here and have 8 silkies waiting for me", he says walking to the steps and back.

"Okay, Okay", Patty says feelin' the du-rag.

He goes back to his package of du-rags, "Look at this shit, should I open more, bro?"

"Do the purple".

Clarence stares Patty in the eyes as he tears off the plastic from the du-rag, takes the purple du-rag out, then throws the plastic behind him dramatically while still staring Patty down which makes Patty burst out laughing.

"Look at this purple...look...at...this...purple", Clarence says hopping up and down.

Patty and Devin continue laughing. He puts it on then quickly takes it back off to look at it, "is that the pink lining?", he asks Patty.

"Is that the Flamingo!? Is that the Flamingo!?" Patty asked hyping the moment up.

"Definitely the Flamingo, the Flamingo and purple. Your head couldn't get treated any better".

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