A Set Back

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Soft knocks landed on the door in a rhythmic way. The door opens, "Ayyyee, what's good wit chu, Queen-ith", Patty greets Queen at the door.

Queen laughs as they give each other quick hugs, "Hey Patty-ith".

"Stooopp itttt", Patty said chuckling as he closed the door behind her.

She stood there as he walked by her back into the living room. Queen stands still nervously looking around. Her stomach starts to cramp up, her lower back starts to spread with pain. She's even leaking a little bit-well, these are normal symptoms if you are on your period... but, Queen wasn't on it- at least that's what she was 100% sure of. Patty comes back to the doorway, "Yo, you good, Queen?", he chuckles confused. She smiled lightly and nodded her head. Patty paused, "....So, you wanna come in the living room with me and C or you just gonna stand there by the door", he said jokingly. Queen starts to walk. Each step she took, she leaked. Each step she took, she was in pain. She followed Patty to the living room and saw Clarence standing up on his phone.

"Sorry ladies and gentlemen for the confusion the first time but she's here. Welcomeeeee the Queen!", Patty joked holding his arm out.

Clarence looked up with a grin on his face.
"Where did you come from?", he said happily walking over to her for a hug.

She shifted her body and gave him a side hug, "I don't know", she said forcing a smile on her face.

"Peep the fit, bro", Patty said referring to Queen's outfit.

Queen had on a white shirt, a Gucci jacket, and Gucci sweatpants. She doesn't normally wear expensive or name brand things, but, she had her first Genius interview before she headed over to Clarence and Patty's house.

"I see, I see, who picked out ya outfit?"

"Um-um, I-I- Can I please use your restroom", she stuttered holding her stomach.

"Yeah, it's right here", he said pointing to the left of him.

They had a bathroom in the living room and upstairs.

She walked slowly towards the bathroom struggling to open it. Clarence walked over towards her to help but she opened it and shut the door.

Clarence and Patty looked at each other instantly.

"Yo, is she good?", Clarence asked Patty.

"She was actin' a little funny when she walked in. I had to go back and get her because she was just standing there".

He turned back around to the door and puts his ear on it.

"Uuunnn, mmmm", Queen is grunting in excruciating pain.

He turns around and Patty was about to laugh.

"Bro, she's taking a shit", Patty says.

Clarence makes a fist and puts it on his mouth, "What if it stink?", he asked concerned.

Patty started to laugh sounding like a spray bottle.

Queen holds her stomach and bends over. Her period has never been this bad before. She starts to shed tears. Black tears came down her pretty face because of her eyeliner. She starts to feel light headed. She has to see what's going on down there. She pulls down her sweats and blood began to pour. Before she started to panic, she sees a blood clot the size of a medium sized lemon. She looks and there is blood on the floor and on her sweats. A cramp hit her. She goes to floor holding her stomach. Then she gets back up and sits on the toilet. She looks up at the light, in her mind there's three.

Clarence sat on the other side of the couch. He had a spray can of Febreze in his hand waiting.

"To be honest, she looks as if her shit doesn't even stink", Patty said.

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