Another genji x mercy. It's my OTP. After a Failed mission. And the love of his life gets hurt mentally he goes into a stage of depression. He doesn't know what to do. He wouldn't kill himself. Would he?
Genji: when I opened my eyes I saw a cherry tree. G: Angela? Genji: I sat up with a splitting headache. I rubbed my hand on my head to try to calm the pain. I stood up not knowing where I was. All I saw was white and a cherry tree. G: hello? Genji: no answer. So I walked around. I didn't see squat. I couldn't remember anything. Mercy POV Mercy: as I looked down to Genji. To weak to say anything, I start to cry. I had no idea what to do. Shit escalated so quickly I-I couldn't keep up.
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The day after that Talon mission I fixed Genji's armer, and made it so he wouldn't have a high risk of bleeding. He thanked me and started to walk away as if he knew I was mad that they went in with out proper help.
Going back in time to the Talon mission
Genji: after the mission we went back to BlackWatch. I needed a doctor badly, but I don't trust the BlackWatch's doctors. So I went to Overwach under the cover of darkness. I felt bad for leaving but I needed to. When I walked into overwach, not knowing I was bleeding like crazy, I heard people say, "GET ANGELA!" "SIR COME WITH ME" "WE NEED TO GET YOU HELP!" I don't think they noticed I was a cyborg because they where treating me like I was a normal person. I saw Angela, I tried to walk to her but I feel half way. A: sir? Sir it's going to be ok. Angela's POV Angela: I got word that someone just walked in badly wounded. I ran to where they told me to try and help. When I got there I had no idea who I was helping because they where covered in black fabric. When I was going to remove it he said,"NO! please don't." I had no idea why but I did what would make him feel comfortable. When I got him in a bed and a room I went in to talk to him alone so I could find out what happened. A:sir? May you please tell me who you are? ?: Angela it's me.... genji A: GENJI! Angela: I hugged him tight. Then I realize what happened and slapped him. A: WHAT HAPPENED? Angela: he told me everything. A: o genji. If you would of asked me I would of come to hel- G: NO! Commander. My commander killed our target due to something our target said. I was shocked and scared. I didn't like our support. She tried to do tests on me. I-i don't know why but I think it's because of my dragon. A:if you don't mind me asking who was the support? G:Moria Back to reality