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Hanzo pov
I ran back to Angela's house. I was scared, I had no idea what that was. Was it real? Or was it a joke. It felt real. I was lost in thought the entire way to Angela's. When I opened the door I saw Hana and Lúcio. Genji was on the couch, same with Mccree. "What are you two doing here? I told you to run" I asked. But Hana replied in a rude tone,"We were not going to sit around. We wanted to help. Angela is in the kitchen" "thanks" I replied. When I was walking to the kitchen I saw Angela on the ground I ran over asking if she was ok because I didn't know she was hurt. "Angela?" "HANZO YOUR BACK!" She hugged me and started to cry. " Angela. I saw this guy in a white skull mask. He said 'the past is written in stone but the future isn't.' And then he sho—-" I cut myself off. Maybe it would be better if I didn't tell them. " what?" "What?" "No the what before your what?" The what before my what? What?" "Yes!" What?" "No" She giggled. I giggled to trying to boost her spirit.
    Genji pov
"H-hanzo....."I asked very weak "yes genji"  "I think I saw a glimpse of the future." Hanzo look shocked and scared. I told him what I saw.

"You— you where dead in my arms" I said scared out of life

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"You— you where dead in my arms" I said scared out of life. He looked at me and said" nothing back is going to happen to our family. Not unless I try to stop it." (Their family is Hana, Angela, Lúcio, and Mccree)
Hana pov
As I walked out of the kitchen I saw Hanzo talking to Genji. I over heard what they where saying. Genji said that Hanzo was dead in his arms. All this death is getting to me. I went up stairs to where Lúcio was. "Hey Hana!" I didn't listen I got on the bed and fell asleep on his lap.
Lúcio pov
Hana came up stairs she looked tired. I said hey but she didn't listen. She got on the bed and fell asleep next to me. I tried to wake her up but she was out. I couldn't help but blush. So in order to stop blushing I fell asleep with her.

(Imagine them in a bed 😍 and a little bit older)

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(Imagine them in a bed 😍 and a little bit older)

That's it for today I will wright some tomorrow or tonight.

Genji X MercyWhere stories live. Discover now