Another genji x mercy. It's my OTP. After a Failed mission. And the love of his life gets hurt mentally he goes into a stage of depression. He doesn't know what to do. He wouldn't kill himself. Would he?
Hey please feel free to check out my other story "Gifts" thanks enjoy my horrible 😉 story
Genji: I was out on patrol with mercy, my brother Hanzo, micree who wanted to come along because he has a crush on my brother, dva, and locio. Dva: mccree wanted to split up into two. Mercy and genji, me and locio, and mccree and hanzo. Lúcio: I'm glad I went with dva! But we never should have split up. Hanzo: micree was so annoying he wouldn't shut up, talking about himself witch got us noticed by the enemy then all hell broke loose. End of Introduction. Hanzo: me and mccree where captured. They took my bow and his gun. 1 Hour Later A: genji I think we need to find the others. I haven't gotten a word from your brother. G: he's probably is making out with mccree! Mercy slapped genji G: Worth it! A: mercy to dva are you there? D: yea me and locio are here. We where wondering if me and lúcio could leave for a date? A: genji want do you think? G: well with my power and your angel like powers we should be fine! A: ok dva you can go on your date! But be back by 11! D: understood! G: kids A: ~giggles~ Genji: it took us a long time to find them but when we did mercy was panicking. G: Angela are you ok? A: I'm fine just never done something like this with out proper protection! G: I promise I will try to be your protection Genji: I grabbed her hand and held it tight. G: ok I will distract them and you will untie my brother and mccree. Genji: as I was walking away Angela grabbed my hand A: please please please come back safe! G: when haven't I Genji: Angela gave me a look like go-back-and-remember-when-I-had-to-make-you-into-a-robot-because-your-wounds-where-so-bad. G: don't answer that. Genji: I walked away from her and jumped down. Everyone was looking at me. G: COME AND GET ME BICTHES Mercy: genji ran and the guards followed him. I floated down not knowing there was some one else there guarding that didn't go after genji. I didn't even get close to Hanzo and micree *both passed out* untill * BANG BANG * ~screams of pain~ I was shot and hit multiple times. G: ANGELA!!!
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Genji: I felt the dragon coming out. I was trying to control it but I couldn't. I killed every guard every last one of them. I wasn't thinking at all, I freed Hanzo and Mccree and told them to run before the dragon took full control of me. Then I saw Angela. On the ground. G: genji to Overwach ~cry's~ GENJI TO OVERWACH! S76: genji what's wrong???? G: Angela! ~cry's~ Angela has been shot and wounded badly! S76: we are sending the support team as we speak! Get her outside! Genji: so I did what I was told.
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