Another genji x mercy. It's my OTP. After a Failed mission. And the love of his life gets hurt mentally he goes into a stage of depression. He doesn't know what to do. He wouldn't kill himself. Would he?
Genji POV I woke up in Angela's bed I looked around and saw no one. I was confused, I remember my brother taking my upstairs and told me to stay with Angela after she passed out. I guess I fell asleep. I hate not having to go out side, Angela is still in her "grieving faze" said by her doctors. I miss the smell of the grass and the wind in my hair. Where is Angela away? I looked at my phone, a message from Hanzo. "Genji there's something wrong with Angela. Be carful, she kicked me and Jessy out. Meet us with me at this address 📝. Make sure you are the ninja you always wanted to be." Lucky for me it was night so I left a note for Angela telling her how much I care for her and how I don't want to put her in danger with Sombra taking control of me when ever. After that I left though the window. "Goodbye Angela"
Angela's POV I looked at me in shock. I look good!! "So Gabe what do you want me to do?" "Cause trouble, make them bleed." I laughed "will do" I got home under the cover of darkness "GENJI IM HOME!!" I tried to sound cute ugh I hate it. I walked up stairs to where I last say him. There was a note.
"Angela, I love you. I do. I don't want to hurt you so I'm heading into the woods. Let me deal with my problems, you take care of yourself. Good bye"
"Genji?" I started to cry a little. God why am I crying? I looked around Genji has his phone. An idea piped into my head. I called Gabe. "Listen it will work." Done now time to see Gabe........ about an hour later Gabe made me look the way I did before I left the house this morning. I was chained up. He had to cut me to make it look real I could tell in his eyes he was sad when he heard me scream. I ignored it. "Ok" I took a deep breath "now take a picture of me and send it to Hana, Lúcio, Genji, Hanzo, and Micree. With the caption—-" "I got it!" He took a picture of me. I was hurt truly. I acted more in pain then what I already was. Gabe sent it. "Done." Good but my mind wanted to know what they said back. "What did they say?" He looked at me. "Genji said 'if you lay another finger on her I'll kill you myself.' Hana said 'please!!! Don't hurt her!' Lúcio said 'don't you dare' nothing from Hanzo or Jessy." Good not to act in pain.
Genji PoV After I got the message from Gabe I headed to the address with the ransom he wanted which was Angela's gear for battle. I say Hana in her meca and Lúcio. "Hana! Lucio!" "Genji did you bring the gear?" Hana looked scared. I don't blame her. "Yes. Remember no attacking if we want Angela back alive." "Where's Hanzo and Jessy?" Lúcio was pissed that they didn't come for Angela. "I don't know hanzo said she seemed off. Maybe this is why?" We heard screams coming from inside they where Angela's! We ran in. "ANGELA!!!!" I looked at all the blood bursting out of her. " SHES GOING TO DIE GIVE HER TO ME!!!" "Do YoU hAvE—" "the gear yes take it! Give me Angela!" He undid all the nots and through her at me.
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Pretend that Angela is covered in blood and that she is in regular clothes. "Genji... AAAA IT HURTS!!!" "I know Angela I'm getting you to the hospital!" "Genji your dead remember? If they see you" "I don't care as long as your ok" "GENJI ILL BE FINE GO HELP THE OTHERS!!!" I looked at her she did seem fine so I placed her in a tree. Yes a tree. I ran back inside and saw Lúcio
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Then I look over and see Hana she was shot twice. I ran to her and picked her up. I brought her over to Lúcio so they both could heal up. "It's just you and me know... Gabe"