Another genji x mercy. It's my OTP. After a Failed mission. And the love of his life gets hurt mentally he goes into a stage of depression. He doesn't know what to do. He wouldn't kill himself. Would he?
Angela POV I went to check on Hana she was so tired after staying up all night helping me wake up. Honestly Ana's sleep darts don't mess around. She wasn't in one of the guest rooms that she was going to stay in. She didn't want to leave she said, to make Genji's death sound more real she was going to post a video online about it. After I looked for her in my room, I went to the guest room Lúcio was staying in. As I slowly opened the door to "his" room I peaked in and saw them sleeping together. "How cute" I whispered. I went down stairs Genji was asleep on the couch, Mccree went home, and Hanzo was sitting there looking into space. "Hanzo?" He jerked up. "Y-yes?" "Are you ok? You've been starring into space for the last hour!" I yelled. I quickly covered my mouth as my heart started beating fast when I saw Genji move. Hanzo broke the silence "I've been thinking." "About what?" I asked nervously "I dare not say." " ugh! I've had it you two have one too many secrets! I'm sick of it!" I screamed. "O yea? What about you I-have-real-wings! You have magic to resurrect people! And what the fuck is with you with different color hair and feathers?" He replied angrily. I was scared. I get really sensitive when people bring that up. Like what my parents did. I felt weak. I fell to the ground knees first. I cried a little. I felt a glow a yellow worm glow. Hanzo looked at me in shock. I ran up stairs, closed my door and locked it, as I feel to the floor crying. I then went into this other reality kind of like a vision. I saw these images.
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The last one scared me. I saw yellow flames as if they where spirits calling out to me there where many. Hanzo, Genji, Mccree, and Hana's spirits where there. As if they all had different out comes. I came back to reality. I didn't know what to do. Maybe it was a day dream? God I hate them. So I went to bed. Hana POV I feel asleep on Lúcio. God, don't wake up, don't wake up. Hehe. He feels so warm. I hugged him tighter. I could hear his voice. SO COOL! "Hana....... O. God you so Beautiful. Good night" I felt a kiss on my head. EEK! Time skip one hour I had a nightmare. A guy in black and a white skull face said,"the past is written in stone but the future isn't." "What?" I asked. He sighed and hit me in the head with his head. I have one full vision with no stops showing me this.