Another genji x mercy. It's my OTP. After a Failed mission. And the love of his life gets hurt mentally he goes into a stage of depression. He doesn't know what to do. He wouldn't kill himself. Would he?
A: THAT BICTH! I trusted her. And and she ~cry's~ . Genji I'm sorry. G: Angela it's ok. It's not like you knew. A: Your right. We need a plan. H: A plan? To do what exactly? A: To get Genji's magic, power thing back. We need....... to go back to headquarters and tell Ana and phara what happened. H: why them? A: I trust them. With my life. They will help. H: Fine but if my brother loses his dragon, your to blame. A: fine. As long as Genji can live. G: Angela. I-I don't feel good. A: CRAP sorry Genji your losing blood fast. Angela: we need to get back to headquarters. None of us can fl— A: YES! ~happy laughter~ H: wh- A: shhhh Angela: I closed my eyes and thought of happy thoughts. ( PETER PAN REFRENSE! (Can't spell XD) I thought of the time I made Genji laugh to a point where I developed feelings. (Before I found him dead. When we where teens)
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I LOVE THIS PICTURE!! MY HEART! I thought if that mission that started all this. Hanzo, Mccree, Hana, Lúcio, and Genji. We where a team. We did everything together.
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Angela: I felt my feet lifting off the ground. G: Angela? A: let's go. Angela: my wings where back. I grabbed Genji. I held Genji like my little prince. Hanzo was following me riding on a small baby dragon. I was confused on where he got that but there were more important matters to attend. He didn't want to put so much weight on me. Rude. I'm strong. Not really. Heh. 1 hour later Angela: when we reached headquarters my wings disappeared. I walked into the hospital everyone looking at me. A: WHERE IS MORIA Guy: Angela! Let me take him. A: WHERE IS SHE? Guy: She's in her work station Angela: when I found Moria. I grabbed hanzo and give him Genji. Who was slowly dieing. I told Hanzo to take him to my house. I gave Hanzo all the info to get into my house. I reminded him of the plan. A: MORIA! M: Angela! How's Genji? Angela: I wanted to slap her. But sadly I had to stick to the plan. So I pretend to cry. A: GENJI!!! ~fake screams~ Angela: people came rushing in. Perfect! I fell onto the ground. A: ~fake cry's~ GENJI IS DEAD! Angela: Mccree, Hana, and lúcio came rushing in. Mc: Angela? A: he's dead. H: no no no no no! HE CANT BE! Hana's POV Hana: I heard screams. So I ran to where it was coming from and saw Angela. Mc: Angela? A: he's dead. H: who? A: Genji H: no no no no no! HE CANT BE!
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I hope you liked this. Sorry if you had to wait so long. I've been crazy busy.