Another genji x mercy. It's my OTP. After a Failed mission. And the love of his life gets hurt mentally he goes into a stage of depression. He doesn't know what to do. He wouldn't kill himself. Would he?
Hana POV I woke up in Lúcios arms. Awake, "hmm" my head hurt. I remember that dream... with out thinking I woke up Lúcio and told him to go down stairs, I did the same with Angela. When everyone was down stairs I said,"I had this dream. I died, Lúcio was shot, Genji lost an arm, Angela lose a wing...." I cut my self off crying. When I looked at everyone's faces they looked worried. "Hana," Hanzo said,"I had the same vision." "So did I" Angela said. " ok then now that that's clear me and Lúcio need to get ready for year of the dog with Mei! Mehhhhhhhh I got bored............. Angela POV I was making breakfast for Genji. He looked so weak. I was making pancakes with bacon and eggs! I heard rustling, I look over to see Genji trying to get up but failing. I walked over to him and help him sit up straight (unlike hanzo and Mccree) "morning" he sniffed the air. "Bacon, eggs and pancakes. My favorite" I smiled, hanzo and Mccree came down stairs too. Hanzo said that Mccree ran down stairs as soon as he smelled bacon. I giggled, I'm glad I'm cooking something that someone might like. As I was walking back to the kitchen I started to feel dizzy. I violently grabbed the hot stove quickly lifting my hand after that and fall to the ground. Fant voices "ANGELA!"
Time skip 3 hours I woke up in my bed with Genji besides me, asleep. "hmmmm" I felt so much pain in my head. "Angela........." it was Genji. He was and still asleep, a bad dream? Ugh I wish I knew. I got up and headed down stairs, when I saw Hanzo. "what happened?" "I think you pasted out. You touched the burning stove and fell to the ground." "Hanzo you can't stay here forever you know? You and Mccree need to leave." "Angela? We're aren't here to talk about that. We need to talk about you!" "What about me? I'm fine! You two staying here 24/7 will cause suspensions!" He stoped as if he was thinking "I see your point. But what about Hana and Lúcio?" I looked at him with a face that looked like a tomato. "Hana's parents left her! I'm here for her! I'm taking care of her!! And she's planning to move out soon!!! Now pack your bags and leave my house!" Hanzo went up stairs and in a matter of minutes he was back downstairs. "Good bye Angela." He has Mccree's things, maybe Mccree was out and couldn't stop buy till late. Ugh who cares! I started to feel dizzy again. Then bam! Fant voices " boss are you sure about this? Whipping her memory and making her into one—-" "we need her!"
I woke up with a crazy headache. I was in a room, it was dark and all I could see was a mirror. It showed me something, something I wish I didn't see....
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"This isn't real...." "but it is look in the mirror" that voice came out of no where but I did as it said and I saw me....
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I passed out again like why is this happening to me? And the voice said,"from now on your name is Night Wing"