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The smell of beer, sweat, and cigarettes filled the bar. It was one of those nights where I just wanted to get drunk and have no care in the world. Nothing horribly bad happened to me, I just had a stressful day at work. Being an accountant can be really stressful at times. I sometimes wish I can change my job, but I'm getting paid well, so I might as well endure the stress.

"Another stressful day Ally?" The bar tender, Fred asked. I would always talk about my crappy days, and he would always be there to listen and give advise. I pretty much made him my therapist. I would always go to him if anything was wrong.

"Yes, oh my gosh. I had to help this one person with their taxes, and they literally knew nothing. Like I explained what all they had to pay, how to pay and when, but they literally shut me out and asked the same questions over and over again. Like just shut up and pay your taxes, it's not that hard." I complained, taking a shot of my sprite and vodka.

"I'm sorry girl, not everyone is as smart as the amazing Ally!" He laughed.

"I'm not that smart, it's just common sense. You have taxes, and you pay them. It's that easy. There's no reason someone should ask a million questions."

"It may be common sense to you, but it could literally be rocket science to someone else." Fred reminded me, his New York accent kicking in.

"Whatever Fred, give me another shot." I demanded. He rolled his eyes and gave me a shot.

"I'm not supposed to be drinking on the job, but cheers to you. I hope you have less stressful days." We both raised our glass and took the shot. I cringed at how strong the shot was.

"Hey, there's a cute blonde staring at you." Fred warned, nodding in the direction the guy was in.

"Wait, where? You're lying, no one is looking at me." I yell.

"I'm not lying. He's pretty damn cute, and he's coming over here, so act cool." Fred laughed.

The blonde walks over and sits right next to me.

"Can I have a gin and tonic please?" The tall guy asked. He had an Australian accent.

"Sure, anything for the man with the accent." Fred laughed, and so did the guy.

Fred handed the guy his drink. I gazed up at him and took in his presence. He was tall with curly blonde hair. He had crystal blue eyes. He looked really familiar. I guess he felt me staring at him because he quickly glanced down at me.

"Hi, I'm Luke!" The tall boy said, lending out his hand for me to shake it.

"Hi Luke, I'm Ally. You seem hella familiar."

"Oh, well I am in this band called 5 seconds of summer. We're totally not a big deal or anything." He joked.

"Ohh wow! My little cousin loves you guys. Like she's a huge fangirl. She once got into a fight at school because some girl said that you guys sucked." I explained. He just laughed and bit his lip.

"Gosh, she must be one dedicated fan."

"Tell me about it. She literally worships you guys. Speaking of guys, aren't there supposed to be three more?" I asked.

"Yeah, they're all on the tour bus. I just wanted sometime alone."

"Time alone? Being at a bar isn't really alone time. You're literally in a place filled with drunk people." I joked.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, it is pretty late, so I guess I'll get going." Luke said. He started to pay for his drink.

"Hey, is it okay if I can get a picture before you leave. I would love to shove this in my cousin's face." He nodded and I moved in close to get a picture. I looked at the picture to make sure it was good and not blurry.

"Here, how about I give you something better." He took my phone and took more pictures of himself. He also put his number in my phone too. "Now you can constantly rub in her face that you've met me, and that you have my phone number." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes at his gesture, but this would literally drive my cousin nuts.

"How are you just going to give a stranger your phone number? Like how do you know that I won't go and put your number out on social media?"

"Because I just know. I got to go now, bye Ally." His accent was really strong there. He walked off and left the bar, leaving me on the stool with his number on my phone.

"Wow, he's a mysterious guy." Fred sighed.

He is pretty mysterious . Why would some famous person give his phone number out to a girl that they've only met for ten minutes. What was he up to?

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