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Luke's pov

"How do you feel Mr. Hemmings?" My therapist asked.

I just sat there, staring down at the floor.

"Mr. Hemmings, we can't make any progr..."

"It's Luke. Please, just call me Luke." I snapped.

"Okay, Luke. We can't make any progress if you don't talk to me. I know I can't force you to speak, but just know that you'll be in here longer until we make some sort of progress." My therapist explained.

"What is there to talk about? What am I suppose to talk about?" I questioned.

"Well, first, lets talk about what happened that night. The night you tried to take your life." My therapist mentioned.

"What is there to say? I tried overdosing on pills, that's all." I yawned.

I hated talking about this topic. I hated talking about everything that happened. I just wanted to shut it all out. I just wanted to pretend it never happened.

"Was there anything that drove you to harm yourself? What was your motivation for trying to hurt yourself?" He asked.

"There was no motivation. Nothing drove me to do this. I just wanted things to be over with." I answered.

"Okay. Well, how do you feel about the name Ally? Does that name remind you of someone?" He asked.

My body tensed up once he mentioned her name.

"No, I don't know anyone by that name." I confessed.

"Are you sure? Does this person seem familiar?" He asked, pulling out a picture of Ally and I.

"What are you doing? This seems more like an interrogation rather than therapy. What are you trying to get at?" I asked.

"I'm just trying to get you to talk. You have a lot of pent up anger, and I'm just trying to get it out of you. Do you ever feel like harming others?"

"No, no I don't wanna hurt other people. Can I go home? This isn't doing anything." I grabbed my jacket and stormed out the room.

I walked into the waiting room, Ashton standing up as soon as he saw me. I rolled my eyes and stormed off to the car, Ashton following.

"What happened back there?" Ashton asked.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. Therapy just isn't working. There's nothing to talk about." I responded, slamming the car door.

"Luke, are you sure there's nothing to talk about?" He asked.

"Oh, so now you're a therapist, great!" I laughed.

"Can you just take me home?" I asked Ashton.

"Yeah, sure." He answered.

I slammed the door as I entered my house.

"Hey Luke, how was therapy?" Calum asked.

"Shit, it was shit." I answered.

Ashton, Michael and Calum have been living with me ever since I tried to kill myself. It's like they don't trust me to live on my own anymore. I know they're just trying to be there for me, but I can handle things on my own now. I'm fine now.

"Hey buddy, you wanna play Fortnite?" Michael asked.

"No, I'm going up to my room." I answered.

I started making my way upstairs when I heard some whispering.

"I don't know what to do? It's getting worse. I mean first he was insanely depressed, and  now he's just filled with rage." Ashton said.

"How are we going to help him if he refuses help? He doesn't want to go to a therapist, and he definitely doesn't want to talk to us." Ashton continued.

"Maybe we should just give him sometime. He might open up then." Calum suggested.

"Sometime? It's been almost two months since he tried killing himself, and he's acting like it never happened. Instead, he's just taking things out on us. It's not fair." Michael scoffed.

"Listen, I know everything's rough right now, but we can't get upset over it. We have to be there for Luke, even if that means taking all the punches from him." Ashton said.

"Fine, But I'm not taking literal punches from him. I feel like he would actually punch me." Michael laughed.

I rolled my eyes and marched up to my room. I threw my jacket onto the ground and took of my shirt. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. Many thoughts ran through my head. My mind is constantly racing with thoughts, but it's hard to understand them. They all get jumbled up into one big mess.

I start feeling uncomfortable in my pants, so I took them off and looked for sweat pants. I dug through my drawer, looking for a pair of sweat pants. I pulled out a small black cloth, not knowing what it was. I unfolded it to see that it was a black romper, Ally's black romper that I forgot I still had. I stared at the cloth in my hand. I can see her wearing it, I can see her beautiful blue eyes, her long raven black hair. Her plump pink lips. I can see her right in front of me.

"No!" I yelled.

"Don't let her in." I quickly threw on a pair of sweat pants and ran downstairs.

I walked over to the trash can and threw the romper away. Michael, Ashton and Calum all stared at me, wondering what I was doing.

"What is that?" Calum asked.

"Nothing, just trash." I answered.

I walked back up to my room after I threw the romper away. I felt a sense of relief once I threw it away. It's like I finally gotten rid of her. She's finally out of my life. She can no longer ruin my life.

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