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Ally's pov

We walked towards a club with a huge line on the outside, Ashton leading us towards the entrance. We walked all the way to the front of the line, people shouting at us to go to the back. We get to the front of the line, and Ashton gives the security guard his name.

"Okay, right this way Mr. Irwin." The security guard says, removing the red velvet rope and letting us through.

We entered the club, music blaring through the place. There was a bunch of people grinding on each other, or sloppily making out with each other. Ashton ignored them and led us to the person we were suppose to meet. We walked up these flight of stairs into a private room. Ashton gave his name to another security guard, and they let us through. We walked into a smaller room with less people.

"Boys, there you are!" Some guy yelled, walking over to us.

"You know we would never leave you hanging mate." Ashton said.

The dude was wearing a very nice and expensive suit, so he was obviously someone very important. The guy invites us over to the small bar and buys everyone drinks. Him and Ashton sat next to each other, everyone else just stood up around them.

"It's nice to finally see all of you guys together. I mostly only meet up with Ashton." The guy says.

"This is Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Ally. Guys, this is Todd Swindlton. He owns a couple of clubs in California, and he might book us a gig at one of them." Ashton introduces us.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Todd says, shaking everyone's hand.

"So, are you in the band too?" He asks when he got to me.

"No sir, I'm just a fri.."

"She's my girlfriend." Luke says, cutting me off.

My heart started fluttering when he said that. This is his first time ever announcing that we were together, officially together. All the boys seemed surprised, except for Michael.

"Oh, well nice to meet you miss. You guys make a beautiful couple." Todd says, I smile back at him.

Our drinks arrive and we all sat down and began talking. It was mostly the guys talking about business stuff. Todd would ask me questions once in awhile. Everyone was having fun and laughing except for Michael. He just kind of sat there, slowly sipping his drink.

He looked up at me and caught me staring at him. I quickly turned my head, turning my attention to Luke, who was still talking to Todd. Luke wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" Todd asks.

"Um.. we actually started dating really recently. We started yesterday to be exact." Luke laughs.

"Oh, so you guys are a fairly new couple." Todd says with a shocked expression.

"Yeah." Luke says, taking a sip of his drink.

We continued talking and drinking. I start to feel a slight buzz. Ashton and Luke were already a little drunk.

"Ally, come and dance with me." Luke says, pulling me off my seat and bringing me to the dance floor.

He rests his hands on my hips, while I rest my arms around his neck. We sway back and forward to the slow beat of the song.

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