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Luke's pov

It's been a week since I've last seen Ally. A week since we've kissed. The scene constantly replays in my head. I remember every little detail from that night. The way she smelt, how she felt, the three big street lights that were by us, everything. This memory is burned in my brain, and I just wish I could do it all again. I want to touch her again, I want to feel her lips against mine, I want her to be mine.

We haven't really talked much after that. We haven't had one of our two hour long chats in awhile, and I really miss it. Was this it? Is this the last of our relationship? I mean we didn't really have a relationship, but there was something there. I mean why would she kiss me if there was nothing between us?

I texted her when we landed, but that was it. I was too scared to text her because of what happened. She made the move on me, but I still can't text her, knowing that the situation might pop up in the conversation. Im just scared that I made the wrong move. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her back. Maybe I shouldn't have walked her to her car. Maybe I shouldn't have given her my number in the first place.

Maybe I'm just overreacting. Maybe she's feeling the same way I am. Constantly replaying what happened in her head, worrying that things are ruined between us.

That's it, enough panicking. I can't just stand here and worry about things.

Luke: hey

Ally: hey

She immediately types back, like she was just waiting for me to text.

Ally: listen, I'm sorry about the kiss. Something just flew over me, and I just.. did it. I get it if you don't want to talk anymore. I get it if you think I'm a whore, and if you think that that's all I wanted from you, or that I was just using you for things, but I wasn't. I really do like you, like a lot, even after knowing you for three weeks. I just rushed everything , and I'm really sorry about everything.

I take a moment to take in everything that she said. I did think of all of those things, except for the whore part. I never thought of her as a whore, but I was thinking that all she wanted was to use me for free stuff like concert tickets or money. That was the one thing that constantly ran through my mind, but now I know that wasn't her intention. She also confessed that she likes me. She feels the same way that I do.

Luke: Ally, it's fine. I don't think any of that. Besides all that, I like you too.

I lied about not thinking about that stuff. Now isn't the time to confess that. I waited for her to text back. My hands shaking. I've never been this nervous over this. I'm usually so calm telling a girl that I like her.

Ally: wait really?

Luke: yeah, I knew that I liked you when I saw you in the bar. Calum and Ashton constantly give me shit for giving you my number right then and there, but I don't regret any of it.

Ally: wow, so this is one of those "love at first sight" thing ;)

Luke: that's so cliché, but I guess you can say that.

Ally and I talked for hours and hours, like we used to do. Our conversation was filled with a lot more flirting than before. Almost every text was some sort of flirt. I'm so glad that we are talking again, and I'm glad that she likes me back. I would ask her to be my girlfriend now, but I know that would be the wrong move.

We talked the night away about random and pointless things. Some of the things we said didn't even make sense, but I didn't care. I was happy as long as I'm able to text her, call her, have her. I can't wait until she's mine.

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