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Family Tree:

Ultimate dragon/Dark magic dragon
Name: Nutella
Nightrider |-Midnight Nightrider
Silverlight. -----|
Goldheart |
|-Starheart Nightrider

Silverlight did not want the last name Nightrider so she changed it to Goldheart!

Acnalogia and Midnight were taught by the same dragon they did not know until much later!
Their mother is actually the true Queen of Fiore. She was born in the royal family. Acnalogia was supposed to be King however they were invaded! Not much else is known. Acnalogia then lost the right to be called a prince or a King except King of the Dragons. Midnight is the true heir her first child will be next in line to be the Queen. Their mother was too secretive and died when Acnalogia was just a boy he remembers her and so does Midnight!
The royal members of the family are not immortal except for Midnight and Silverlight. Only Acnalogia know about it he doesn't want to tell the others about who have royalty blood in it because they might do something stupid or their could be a huge war!

Midnight's dragon was killed right before her eyes! It wasn't a fake one like the others this time it was for real and she was forced to fight in Dragonoire's gladiator ring. Midnight was taught how to fight and kill she was the champion she met a boy names Nightstar Starlen there he is a star dragon slayer! They were the arena champions they eventually had to fight each other however they rose up and killed the queen! The queens daughter Maribel is Midnight's best friend she took over and destroyed the arena and turned it into a fight school! Midnight has a permanent scar from her "brother" who turned out to he a backstabber and stabbed a spear into her right shoulder! Midnight has a permanent Dragonoire guild mark on her right bicep no matter how gar she tried it doesn't come off! Underneath that she has a band that says:
1st wizard saint•Gladiator•dragon slayer•Savior•Champion•hero

There are more. It can't come pff anymore though! Her left arm has her Fairy Tail symbol it is an X-class wizard sign it is a color changing one it goes from blue to silver to purple to red! X-class is higher than S-class! Midnight only takes special requests for her, dragon jobs, and jobs nobody else can handle! Nightstar later became the 8th wizard saint and Midnight's secret. Admirer! Over the years Cobra, Sting, and Nightstar have developed a crush on her.
Erza is like Midnight's big sister she babies her all the time sand gives her piggy back rides when Midnight is too tired! Gray, Natsu, Laxus, and Gajeel are like her big brothers keeping her awY from boys and overprotectiveness! They even made a pact to hurt whoever makes Midnight cry, and Midnight rarely cries!

When Midnight was at Dragonoire they put a curse on her called Berserk where she cant control herself and just destroys everything! It drives her crazy! They put that on her to keep her from escaping!
She was best friends with Mirajane when and Erza however those three were always fighting over the smallest things! Midnight being stronger of the three always won the battles they had with each other. She has a calmer more laid back demeanor than the others. During the guild fights Erza joins in out of frustration, Mira cleans the cups, and Midnight just sleeps.
Family: FACTS

Mom: Queen Krystal Catliclipticta
(Aka. Queen Catoclipts)
Illusion dragon slayer
Died at age: 29
Personality: loving caring beautiful, and EXTREMELY MYSTERIOUS TO EVERYONE! Only the royal family knew what was wrong with her.
Known for: being the original queen of fiore before Hisui's family invaded she is the eight generation. Last seen looking for her son? Why?: UNKNOWN
Who was she really?: UNKNOWN

Dad: Kaito Nightstar!
Obsidian Dragon Slayer
How?: The Great Dragon Battle
Died at age: 35
Personality: Bruatl, violent, Uptight, Unfaithful, had kids after his wife died immediately after!
Guild(s):Phantom Lord, Lamia Scale
Known for: murdering people when he was apart of Phantom Lord! Also husband of The famous queen the blood born queen.
Royalty?: Only through marriage technically NO

Acnalogia Nightrider
Black Dragon Slayer
Still alive
Age: 400+
Personality: Cold hearted, nice and caring to his sister Midnight.
Guild: NONE
Known for: Being the most scary dragon(dragon slayer) in all of history caused the dragon war!
Royalty: Lost his title but YES

Midnight Nightrider
Ultimate Dragon Slayer
(Known as the cosmic dragon slayer, can use any dragon slayer magic and necromancer magic!)
Still alive
Age: 18 ( seven year gap so 25, same age as Gray Fullbuster, year older than Lucy Heartfellia, She is actually around 500+ same as E.N.D, however she died and she didn't come back for centuries because she died during the age of the dragons along with Natsu, she finally regenerated around the same time E.N.D was "born")
Personality: EXTREMELY laid back, sweet, childish, playful, tough yet sensitive, caring, protective, You usually find her lazing around the guild hall sleeping.
Guild(s): Dragonoire, and currently Fairy Tail
Known for: Saving Fiore from dragons, 1st wizard saint, finishing the gladiator ring in Dragonoire, practicing Berserk and burning down most of the Dark Forest! Commander of the royal guard (Fiore and Dragonoire!) She is the true heir to the throne of Fiore AND Dragonoire yet she has not found out the truth nor has anyone else except for her mother.
Royalty: YES

Silverlight Goldheart:
Stealer magic dragon slayer
Still alive
Personality: Caring, watching out for her sister, determined to beat her sister (never won against Midnight), always
want to win, serious, loves to battle Midnight.
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Known for: 2nd wizard saint, 2nd in command in the royal army(second to Midnight!)
Knows nothing about anyone who came before Acnalogia.
Royalty?: No her father Kaito cheated and the woman gave birth to two kids not of Royal blood. NO

Weather dragon slayer
How?: Killed in sleep by mysterious person, Midnight was dealing with injurues from the GMG battle with her sister that morning! Midnights greatest weakness!
Personality: Sweet, loving, caring, always looks up to Midnight
Age: 12
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Known for: None
She doesn't know anyone who came before Midnight.
Royalty?: No her father Kaito cheated and the woman gave birth to two kids not of Royal blood. NO

Mystogan's sister Midnight (Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now