Happy 20th Anniversary & An Update on the Sequel

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*Sorry, I would've put a picture from the CR sequel in here but it's way too early for them to release any pictures since the movie's not even in production yet XD*

Hey everybody. Sorry, I was suppose to post this way sooner but you know... life got in the way. So anyway...

June 23rd 2020 was the 20th anniversary of Chicken Run's original release. WHOOO! YEAH! *party horns blow* *fireworks* Yeah that's a pretty big deal, I know. 

But here's the more important news. We haven't heard any update about the sequel for the longest time back in April 2018. I was starting to get worried, until that same day they announced more news for the sequel. 

FINALLY! I was all like "what took so long?" 

Anyway since the news has been released on the sequel, I have to say I'm pretty pissed. And here's why...

One, the film has been moved to Netflix. I don't even like Netflix. I was so looking forward to seeing it on the big screen like it's suppose to be unlike that last Aardman movie which was crap to me 'Early Man' (no offense). Chicken Run was such a HUGE hit! How could they be stupid enough not to have it released in theaters?!

And what's worst, Mel Gibson and Julia Sawalha won't be playing Rocky and Ginger and are being replaced by younger actors. Now I'd personal respect Mel's decision if he 'himself' decided not to do the movie. But he and Julia had both been unfairly dismissed without even getting a chance to prove they were still up for voicing the characters. This is just so wrong and unfair! >:( 

Ginger's my favorite! And I'd rather pay to watch some poorly made shit movie then have some dumb-ass celebrity who I don't even care to give a f*ck about getting to know her to voice my favorite chicken, which she was absolutely NO right to! Julia's voice is the only voice for Ginger for me. 

There's a petition on Change.org to keep Julia Sawalha as Ginger's voice actor for the sequel. But I don't think I'll be putting the link on here cause I might be forced to get rid of it later and I don't think anyone on here is going to sign it. 

I just knew I had a sense that getting this sequel made would come with a terrible price. And now my nightmare has come true. 

I would also really wish to see John Clesse voice Fowler in the sequel. I think his voice matches perfectly for the old rooster. 

More bad news, production for the film won't even be expected to start until 2021. WHY!?!? Why do I have to wait so long?! I get that part of this has to do with the COVID19 pandemic but still, the movie may not be officially released until late 2022 or more likely early 2023 or that same summer. I may not be alive by then. (Okay, I know that was a little dark) But I'm just saying, things can happen...

On the brighter side, Ginger and Rocky have a daughter! *screams* I'm so excited! And after reading what I've seen for the movie plot it's just like how I pictured it would be. I'm so happy :)

I don't want to give away too much, all I can say is... the chickens are breaking in this time! (I can't believe even I myself didn't expect something like that which makes me even more excited for the sequel now XD). I can't wait!

The only problem is I'm not a big fan on the name that they've chosen for their daughter... Molly. I mean seriously, what kind of a dumb name is that? It's too plain and simple, I thought it would be something WAY better. 

I just hope the creators have a good explanation for giving her that specific name. I have my own theories... Like maybe it could've been the name of one of the Co-director Nick Park's other childhood pet chickens like with the case of Ginger and Rocky. Or, (the one I really hope is the true reason) she was named after either Ginger or Rocky's mother. But they better not have no explanation and just threw in the dumb name on her like it was nothing. 

Anyway, that's all I got for now. I'll update more for you guys soon. Bye...

My Chicken Run Bonus Book: By Adventuregirl5Where stories live. Discover now