Chapter 1

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          Dallas pov
I was ready for my life to be over when the most embarrassing thing happened..

It Started early this morning I woke up to my normal routine of brushing my teeth my hair and showering..

But then all of a sudden I got this weird feeling in my stomach that I just shouldn't go to school for the last week.. But I still had to go

I wasn't the one for missing school, and I needed to turn in my essay for history. When I finally got off the bus (yes I ride the because my parents said if I wanted a car I had to buy it).

As soon as I Walked through this big blue double doors my stomach churned. Everyone was looking down at their phones and laughing I thought to myself" it can't be about me no one talks about me".

I guess I proved my self wrong I went to my locker to find my little black journal missing my face turned cherry red knowing what had happened.

When Dylan the most popular guy in the the one I day dream about every day with his tall muscular figure and his piercing green eyes and combed back blond hair. Came rolling in and laughing I didn't think my face could get and redder but it did.

I tried holding back the tears the things I wrote in the journal were personal I was so stupid to leave it in my locker. I didn't know why I liked him maybe because we grew up together until middle school.

He was so sweet until he started hanging around the popular kids and started being a complete ass to me. But then when I call him that the memory of him telling me he would marry me one day our last day of 6th grade.

I tried getting through my 8 classes but I couldn't not with what everyone saw. I wrote about the way I would want to lose my V-card to Dylan and how I would do it.
"Man I am so stupid" I thought quietly to myself.

After lunch I skipped the rest of the day and got home to my mom and dad drinking.  They always drank leaving me at home to watch my younger siblings almost every night of the week.

I hated it, it disgusted me but I kept my mouth shut. I told my mom I wasn't going the rest of the week to school she just shrugged. I went to my dark bedroom down the hall to slowly and quietly pack my things.

I called my grandma and told her I was coming a week early. Even though I couldn't see her I knew she was smiling ear to ear. My grandma basically raised me since my mom was always out.

But she moved upstate to be able to have piece of mind. She had sent me a plane ticket up there for Christmas and what better time to use it.

I had packed my 2 suitcases with enough clothes to last a good 3 or 4 weeks. I slowly stepped out of the front door and with the 40 dollars I had left from working at the movies.

I hopped on the next bus to the airport.

When I finally got to the airport it was almost 6. I walked to the main desk and the next flight out would be in 2 hours so I sat right there and opened my phone acting like I had some sort of social life.

After about 45 min my stomach began to rumble I realized I hadn't eaten since lunch. I looked around to see if they had any vending machines which of course they did all the way at the end of the hall.

After about a good 5 minute walk I realized I  only had 20 dollars left so I had to make it last.

I walked back taking my seat in the same brown hardened chair.

I sat for the next 30 min eating my bag of salt and vinegar chips while waiting and finally it was time to leave I was filled with excitement.

The plane ride was a good 7 to 9 hours from Florida so Maine so I took advantage of it and laid my head back and dozed off. I woke up to the plane finally slowing down the flight attendant had said in a petite female voice " we will be landing in 10 minutes, please turn all electronics off at this time" she walked away

When the plane finally landed I saw my grandma with her beaten up pickup truck she didn't really have an option it was that or nothing.

I ran to her and filled every empty space with a gigantic hug. " I have missed you too darling" she said in a sweet tone which god have I missed.

We drove home to find her house gorgeous as always she had something like a wood cabin looking but with big glass windows and 2 floors with a pond that I swam in every summer for the past 3 years.

I ran up stairs to put some actual summer clothes on instead of a t shirt and sweats. I put my blue high waisted shorts on with a white flowy top and I let my hair down to its natural straight form and put some white sandals on as well.

I was walking down stairs when I heard an unfamiliar voice I walked slower and slower trying to figure out if I recognized it.

" hey darling I would like you to meet my next door neighbor grandson Brandon" I turned to look at him my blueish gray eyes meeting with his hazel ones.

" Hi" I finally able to say breaking my eye contact. " he has come to mow my yard, if I would of known you were coming earlier I would of already had it done" she laughed walking away.

He went to his garage pulling out a mower and cranked it up and put his earbuds in and started.

I sat out on the deck which he did that watching him like he was a unicorn so magical and unreal.

Every once in a while his eyes would meet mine but then I would turn my head so fast I thought my neck was gonna break.

I finally decided to go inside and make 2 ham sandwiches and 2 glasses of lemonade knowing he had to be dying heat exhaustion.

As I make my way to open the screen door to the deck I notice he had taken off his shirt. His chest was like it was made of stone his back muscles flexed every time he would take another step.

I let out a small moan like I was imagine like kissing him and all my problems from home went away.

" Will you stop eye raping me" I hadn't noticed that he had turned around and took his ear buds out.

" I made something to eat" I finally got trying not to sound embarrassed. I walked up to the deck and sat across from me ran his hands through his dark brown hair and wiped the sweat off his forehead " thanks" he said scaring down his sandwich and lemonade. " so what's your story?"

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