Chapter 8

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  I went to sleep still wondering what I had done.

I woke up around 8 the next morning and I had 2 new messages on Instagram from Jasmine and her friend Maria. Both saying that they couldn't believe me and that I was a horrible friend and junk.

It's whatever, they can be like that. It don't hurt me one bit. Matthew was coming over today to play on my Xbox 1. I was gonna get whooped but I'll enjoy it.

He is so damn cute with his messy brown hair and emerald green eyes. I barely know the damn boy and I can't seem to get him off my mind; it's just a constant thought 24/7 since I laid eyes on him.

I decided to go with a nerdy look today with putting on jeans and slides with a Fallout shirt on, With my hair in a messy braid with my glasses on.

I had finished everything with about another 45 min until 11. So I decided to pop a pizza in the oven, so me my grandma and him would have something to eat. I sat down on the couch and just scrolled through Instagram.

Time passed by so slow but FINALLY the pizza was done and not even 10 minutes after that the doorbell rang. I slowly walked up to the door and opened it to his emerald green eyes with a tint of blue with light hitting them. He looked down at me. He looked at my shirt and showed his one dimple with the biggest grin on his face.

I, of course invited him inside. And told my grandma that we would be in my room upstairs. "Keep the door open" she said as her voice became distant as I walked father away.

I popped Mortal Kombat X in and started the game. I haven't really played it my grandma had picked it up for me a couple days ago while she was out.

"You finna get your ass whooped , just letting you know" Matthew smirked at me.

And immediately a smile grew across my face. "I'll lose as long as its to you" I laughed jokingly.

I handed him a controller and he sat in my recliner and told me to join him so I sat on his lap and started the match. And I couldn't focus one bit. So I loss like 4 matches and won one.

Soon we started eating the pizza and I put an Avengers  movie on. And we sat there still in the same position watching the movie.

Eventually 8 had come and I went to get up and accidentally elbowed his ear and I immediately kissed it. And he started smiling, but I got up.

He hugged me before leaving and put a kiss on my neck. And it tickled and felt good at the same time.

He left and drove home in his motorcycle. And I couldn't stop grinning and smiling and things weren't even "official".

My grandma was already in bed laying down around 8:30 so I decided to get in the shower. I scrubbed my body in a cucumber body wash, And washed my hair. I got off and wrapped my towel around me and brushed my teeth and hair. I was already getting ready for bed.

I put my olaf pajamas on and snuggled in my comfy bed, And received a text message from Matthew. "My mom wants to know if you would like to join us for dinner tomorrow night?" And of course I said yes.

I was already very tired after the day even if I barely did anything. I texted him "Goodnight 💙" and got a text from him "Goodnight Beautiful 😍" and that just made my night.

But before I could shut my phone off someone else sent me a message a random account off of Instagram it said:

You think you can just roll in here and ruin everything. Not everything can go your way now bitch. Jasmine and Matthew dated for 9 months, and were happy. And you were supposed to be her friend and you wanna get with her ex?!!! No wonder people call you a hoe 🙄🖕.

I had tears forming in my eyes even if I didn't know this person. So I decided to text Matthew and ask him about it.

To Matthew: I know it's late, but I need to know what happened between you and Jasmine.

From Matthew: I've known her since middle school me and her had the same friends. And she always had a crush on me and decided to get closer to me. And I didnt mind at first. So her parents took me and her and a couple of her friends to the beach. And after the good day, and finally asked her out on the way home. And when said yes. She was all excited and then after 7 months of being together she started becoming confused on what she wanted. (sexually)  And then about 2 weeks later she sent me a message saying "do you wanna be friends?" And I tried to get her to tell me what was really going on. And and never did. So I tried my best to understand and let her go. But we are still friends or try to be

To Matthew: oh

From Matthew: but now that I've met you, I could care less about her. Tomorrow I wanna talk to you about something important. But goodnight beautiful and I'll pick you up at 3 tomorrow afternoon. So be ready💜💞.

To Matthew: Goodnight 💘

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