Chapter Twenty

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A Week Later

As Harmony pulled onto the TM lot and parked beside Gemma's car, she blew out an understandably frustrated breath. She had naively thought that when Opie said they would be sleeping together at the first available opportunity, that he actually planned to make that happen. Turns out, kids and SAMCRO runs got in the way. Although she loved all three kids and understood his commitment to the club, she really just wanted a few hours with her man. Was that too much to ask? 

As she got Max out, she noticed Ellie sitting alone on the picnic table, looking like she just lost her best friend. She sat down beside the preteen and bumped her with her elbow.

"What are you looking so down about?"

Ellie motioned to where Opie, Chibs, Jax, and Tig were gathered at the side of the garage with Kenny. "Dad's gonna teach Kenny how to shoot."

Harmony nodded in understanding as she noticed that Opie had spotted her and was heading in their direction. "But not you, huh?"

Ellie shook her head. "No. He said that I didn't need to know how yet."

Opie reached them, holding his hands out for the baby. "Give me my boy."

Harmony lifted a brow as he took the baby and leaned in to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Wow. You seem more excited to see him than me."

Opie mirrors her look as he bounces the baby. "And you seem to be a tad cranky today."

Harmony just sent him a glare as she wrapped an arm around Ellie's shoulders. "You're about to see just how cranky I can be. Why won't you teach Ellie how to shoot?"

Opie managed to look manly and superior even holding a small infant, a fact that just pissed Harmony off more. "Because she's a girl."

"Well, that's the most bullshit excuse I've ever heard! I was shotting an automatic when I was younger than her."

Opie snorted. "Yeah, and look who your father was, babe."

Harmony crossed her arms under her breasts and gave him her best death glare. "Be very careful here, Harry."

Opie winced but stood his ground. "I'm not teaching her yet, if at all. I have a great idea. Why don't you leave junior with me and you two go do girl things? Get your nails done or something."

Harmony would have cheerfully slugged him if he hadn't been holding her child in his arms. Instead, she hopped down off the picnic table and grabbed Ellie's hand. "Come on sweetie. We'll go do girl things. By the way, since I'm Max's mother, I don't think you should be teaching my boy how to shoot an Uzi until he's at least out of diapers!"

Opie smirked at that. "I thought I'd start with handguns. You know, small hands, small caliber." She stormed past Opie, his daughter in tow, and made a beeline for her car. He yelled after her, trying to be cute. "What, no kiss?"

Without turning around, Harmony replied just as cheerily. "Bite me, Harold."

She backed the car up and had Ellie drop the diaper bag at Opie's feet before peeling out of the parking lot like a demon from hell.


As Harmony peeled rubber out of the lot, Tig and Chibs walked over to stand beside Opie as he watched her go. Finally, he shook his head and looked at his old lady's father.

"What the fuck did I do?"

Tig just snickered and shook his head as Chibs was the one to explain to the genuinely confused man. "Well, brother, first you didn'a greet yer old lady right. Then ye refused to show Ellie how to shoot, which personally I think yer wrong about, then ye made it worse by telling them to go do "girl things". Catchin on yet, laddie?"

Opie shook his head, looking disgusted with himself. "So I need to kiss her ass when she gets back."

Chibs patted him on the back. "Aye, lad, that ye do."

Tig patted him on the back. "What you need to do... god I can't believe I'm going to say this." He shook his head before continuing. "What you need to do is send all three kids with Mary and then bring my kid to the party tonight. After you've finally established to everyone here that she's your old lady, you take her home and fuck the sass out of her."

Opie looked at Tig and Chibs for a long moment before a slow grin broke out across his face. "That's probably the best idea you've ever had, Tig."


Four hours later, Harmony pulled back onto the lot with a self-satisfied smirk on her face. As she and Ellie got out of the car, she walked around to the trunk and unlocked it. From her peripheral vision, she saw Opie and Jax walking their way. When they reached the car, Ellie ran around to give her dad a hug as Opie eyed Harmony with suspicion.

"Did you two have a good time?"

As Ellie nodded her head vigorously, Jax chuckled at her. "We did, dad! We got our nails done and bought a couple of dresses... "

Harmony cuts her off as she lifts a rather large duffel bag from the trunk and sets it on the ground. "We went to the sporting goods store."

Opie glared at her as she opened the bag, while Jax laughed out loud. "What did you do, Harm?"

Before she could answer, Ellie did it for her. "She bought me a crossbow, dad!"

Harmony grinned at the look of shock on Opie's face as she corrected his daughter. "No, honey. I bought me a crossbow. I bought you a compound bow." She winked at Jax who couldn't contain his mirth at the expression on his best friend's face before she looked up at a simmering Opie. "What? Too much? Well, damn baby, it's pink. Isn't that girly enough for you?"

Opie took a step closer, bringing himself to stand within touching distance. "Harmony Louise Trager, I can't... "

Before he could finish his thought, Kenny came running out of the clubhouse waving a paper target with bullet holes in the center. "Mom! Look how good I did!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing as Opie and Harmony just stared at Kenny before Opie turned his head and looked down at his old lady. "Did he just call you mom?"

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