Chapter Twenty-Five

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By the time Half-Sack made it inside to inform Opie of what was going on outside, the fight was well under way. As he fought his way through the sea of bikers, Opie cursed under his breath as he saw Harmony kick Sally's legs out from under her, making the other woman go down hard on her knees. Without losing momentum, Harmony kicked Sally in the small of her back, sending her all the way down. Opie winced when he heard the crunch of Sally's face hitting the pavement as he started to wade into the fray. He was stopped by Clay throwing an arm out in front of him, shaking his head.

"Stay out of this shit, my friend. Let them have at it. It's way overdue."

Opie ran a frustrated hand through his hair as Tig and Jax came to stand beside him, Tig egging his daughter on. "Come on, baby girl! Show that bitch who she's fuckin with!" As Opie turned to stare at him, Tig just shrugged and grinned. "What? She's gotta learn, man. You don't fuck with another woman's old man."

He turned back to the fight and watched with something like awe on his face as Harmony flipped Sally onto her back and dropped down on top of her, straddling the now sobbing woman. She got down in the other woman's face as she slapped her hard across the cheek.

"Are you going to get this through your fucking head now, bitch?" She clutched Sally's hair in one hand and brought her head up, so close they were almost kissing. "Opie is mine! Touch him again and I'll fucking kill you! You said something earlier that you might want to remember. I'm Tig Fucking Trager's kid! I'm a tad crazy and just don't give a shit!"

Opie almost groaned out loud when Sally had the nerve to spit in Harmony's face. The rest of group around them started cheering as Harmony drew back and punched Sally hard in the face. After another three hits, Opie decided it was time to call it. He slapped back Tig when he went to stop him from interfering.

"Seriously? We don't stop it now, she'll kill her, Tig! Do you want her in jail? I sure as fuck don't! Now get the fuck off of me!"

Tig looks at him for a long moment before stepping back, allowing Opie to wade into the now one-sided fight. He grabbed Harmony around the waist and lifted her off of Sally, to the dismay of the crowd around them. Harmony started slapping at his arms as he carried her away and into the clubhouse, leaving Tig and Chibs to pick up what was left of Sally. When she kicked him in the shin, he threw her over his shoulder and slapped her hard on the ass.

"Stop it, Harm! It's done!"

Harmony continued to kick, narrowly missing Opie's crotch as he carried her through the main room and down the hallway to the dorms. "Is the bitch dead?"

Unable to stop himself, Opie laughs as he strides into his old dorm and kicks the door shut. "No, she's still alive, although she's probably sorry about that right now."

"Then I'm not done! Put me the fuck down, Ope!"

Opie dumps her on her ass on the bed but isn't fast enough to keep her from jumping back up and running for the door. He catches her by the back of the shirt, pulling her back as she swings at him in fury. He catches her hands in one of his and gently pushes her back onto the bed, holding her down with his body weight. 

"Jesus, Harm! Stop fighting me! It's over, babe. She will have no doubt who is queen bitch around here."

Harmony stares at him with fire in his eyes, and Opie stares for a moment, openly admiring the gorgeous woman under him. If he wasn't already in love with her, this moment in time would do it. He watches as she stares up at him before blinking back angry tears. "She has to know, Ope."

Opie shook his head and chuckled. "Babe, if she doesn't know now, she never will. Believe me, she'll be feeling that beating for a while."

Harmony finally cracks a small smile, running a finger down his cheek before tugging on Opie's beard. "Well, the next time she wants to pick a fight, she needs to make sure she knows how. She never fucking touched me."

Opie shook his head before burying his face in her neck. He kissed her right below the ear before lifting his head with a smirk on his face. "So, word on the street is that I belong to you."

Harmony looked at him with one brow raised and a cocky smirk on her face, making the blood in his brain shoot straight to his cock. "Is there a doubt in your mind about that? Do I need to show you too?"

He grinned as he levered himself up and off of Harmony, laying on his back beside her. "Feeling awfully sure of yourself there little bit."

Harmony smiled innocently as she turned over and climbed on top of her man, straddling his waist. Opie watched as she reached down and unbuckled his belt, then unfastened the button and zipper on his jeans. He groaned and let his head fall back against the mattress and his eyes close as she pulled his stiff cock out of his boxers and stroked him a couple of times. If Opie was going to tell the truth, he'd been hard since Half-Sack had come running in to tell him about the fight. He was proud of her for finally standing up for herself, but prouder still because she stood up for their relationship. After tonight, nobody would doubt that they belonged together.

He didn't feel her move, so his eyes snapped open in shock when he felt her hot mouth around his swollen cock. Opie looked down to see a mass of red curls in his lap as she sucked him hard, making him arch off the bed. It took no time for her to get him close to coming as her lips, tongue, and hands worked their magic.

"Harm... baby, I'm close... "

Suddenly he felt her hand wrap around the base of his cock, cutting off his impending orgasm. He blinked in confusion at the smiling woman as Harmony winked at him.

"You know the hardest part of orgasm control, Opie?" He groaned and shook his head in denial of what was happening as she chuckled lightly. "It's knowing just when to stop." She sighed before licking the tip of his cock. "You better settle in, baby. It's gonna be a long night."

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