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Everything around me
is making these whispers
that I am having this feeling
which is more intense than I think
I am falling so hard, so hard
in these things that I don't want to
I don't even want you to get these ideas
As I am scared, scared as in the fathom in hell
I just want things to be how it is
as I know you will walk away when you'll know
But I know that doesn't matter to me
I don't understand the selfishness inside me
which is daring me to tell you everything
And each time I try, I try to tell you these things
Something always happens which distract us
actually, me, making me away from diversion

and getting to the point that wants to scream out loud

These whispers don't stop to bother me

but it seems I am habituated with these
I am falling in so hard that I am amazed
I am amazed at myself that I am acting this way
I don't want to think straight but like in your way
Just these whispers, I think will never stop.

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