She wanted to scream, but she wouldn't make any noise, she knew she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face, she could hardly keep in her sobs, let alone a scream. Tempest had clamped her hand over Tove's mouth, although she was just as terrified. Both sisters had just witnessed the arrival of the enemy, and Tove didn't know why she was so upset. She was twenty-three, she shouldn't be upset because of some of some men in white suits and droids in fancy dark metals. But all the same, she was. And that hurt more than anything.
Once they had seen it, they had fled to a safer alley. It was dark and clamped in the alley, but they hadn't been seen. Not yet anyway. She hoped that they would be found, even though it was a terrible thing to wish. Then they could finally stop worrying about being found. At first, Tove had thought that they were going to bomb them, but her twenty-five-year-old sister assured her that they didn't have that technology. Being in the Resistance, Tempest must've thought that Tove would believe her. Tove didn't, but she did know that they wouldn't waste a bomb on a dingy planet such as Abafar.
Of course, this had happened before. The men arrived, they took supplies, maybe they took a life of one stubborn shopkeeper. But they had never stayed long, and they never looked for other people. They had been doing that for the last hour, and the siblings had not been found."You know what? Fuck the plan. On the count of three, we are going to run out there and see what the hell is going on." Tempest removed her hand from Tove's mouth.
"Are you crazy?" hissed Tove at the same time Tempest started counting down.
"Just don't ask questions." Tempest had yanked Tove's arm before she had a chance to protest.
Almost immediately she saw the fires, "Oh gods." whimpered Tove." Nevertheless, Tempest pulled them closer to the ship. Specifically to the gathering crowd of people that were thrusting their fists into the air, shouting at them. "How stupid are these people?" she asked in a hushed tone. Tempest stopped and yanked her into the crowd. She eventually let go, giving Tove a chance to leave the crowd.
She ran, as fast as she could. She ran away from the crowd. There was an abandoned inn, she knew that it was close by. Tears were falling down her face and she reached the inn quite quickly since she knew her way.
It was dingy and dusty, that was for certain. She threw open the door and closed it as soon as she entered. Sliding down the door she whimpered and couldn't hear her sobs through the angry shouts of the people. She told herself to go back and to take Tempest with her. Interrupting her thoughts was a scream, a vivid one. No, there were three vivid screams; and they all halted to a stop. She came to the realization that they were dead. Three people and she guessed that they weren't just stubborn Shopkeepers. She heard the booming voice of a First Order Commander, "Anyone else that is not here will lose their lives!"
"Shit," she muttered. Why couldn't she have picked a spot farther away? The strong pounding in her head first started when troopers arrived at the door.
"Open up!" one demanded. She immediately hid behind the counter, not without tripping over her own two feet first. She heard their fists pounding, and she continued to search throughout the counter. Finally, she found something worth saving. It was a blaster, just one, but it was enough. The cheap smell of alcohol filled her lungs and she ran up the creaky stairs. As she made it to the first door she could find, she slammed it shut and heard the faint sound of the door crashing open.
She cursed under her breath and held the blaster closer to her body. She made her way over to the window and looked at what was underneath. It was a pond, a small one. But a pond all the same. Childhood memories pounded at her head remembering that she used to swim in ponds similar to this many times before, with her best friend. And although she missed him dearly, Ben Solo was the worst thing to ever happen to Tove White.
She thought that she could make it, and it was only a matter of seconds before the troopers crashed open the door to the room she was hiding in too. She wished she had thought about it more, but instead she had silently dived out of the window and ironically, just as the door was being pried open.
She felt the water hit her, and it hurt. But she didn't scream. Her eyes burned and soon her lungs did too. She felt herself slowly drift away from the surface. She pursued herself to keep kicking and to get away from the building. She soon realized that saying it was a pond was not accurate. Maybe saying that it had the quantity of ten ponds and you'd be on the right track. She dived farther away from under the surface and soon found herself drifting. She screamed and tried submerging herself further down. She felt her lungs burn, but this time, she didn't feel like she was able to breathe again. She couldn't seem to catch her breath again so she clawed at the water and tried propelling herself upwards. She felt herself drift upwards and she didn't fight it. She'd rather die by the hands of water then by the blaster of a Stormtrooper anyways. She didn't even know where hers went off to. She felt herself let go. And right before death was upon her, sturdy arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her up. She fell limp in their arms.
A/N I'm really bad with last names
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