Chapter 7

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It was 7:30 am when I got woken up as there was a knock on my door. "Ms. Isabella, Mr. Anthony said him, and Mr. Liam are here to pick you up to sign you up for school," Mary said. "Thank you, let them know I be down there soon", I said. I got out of bed where I went over to my closet to see what to wear today. I picked out a teal tank top with some jeans. After I got my clothes I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

As I was getting dressed after my shower I hear a knock on my bathroom door. "You almost ready Bella. We want to stop for breakfast before we to head to school," Anthony said. "Yes, I'm almost done," I said. I opened my bathroom door to I see Anthony seating on my bed with his phone in his hand. He looked up where he sees me walking into my bedroom to sit on my bed to put on my flip flops. "Are you nerves," Anthony asked. "Yeah, a little bit. Ok I am ready let's go," I said as I got up to head downstairs.

I was walking downstairs where I see my father, Will, and Liam in the living room. They all looked up to see me and Anthony coming downstairs. I see my father with a nerve look on his face. I then looked little to my left that were I see Liam with a smile on his face. I really love his smile along with his eyes. I made it downstairs with Anthony behind me which I walked over to my father. "I love you father", I said. "I love you to baby girl. I hope you have a good day Isabella. I may not be home when you get home," my father said as he kissed my forehead.

"Anthony and Liam please keep a close eye on her," he said to both Anthony and Liam. "We sure well," Anthony said to him. "You ready to go Bella. Me and Liam want to take you to one of our favorite restaurant," Anthony said as he headed out the door. "Bye father and thank you again. I love you," I said as I went out the door with Liam behind me.

I was walking towards Anthony car until I hear, "hold on I get that," Liam said as he opened the door for me. "Thank you, Liam," I said trying my best not to smile too much. I got in to the back seat as Liam got into the passenger seat and Anthony got into the driver seat. He backed his car out of the driveway and drove off.

Anthony was talking to Liam about a party that was happening this weekend. I wish I could go but I know father will not allow it. "Bella would you like to go with us," Liam asked as he looked up in the rear-view mirror. "I don't think my father will let me go", I said as I looked out my window. I can't remember the last time I got out of the house beside when I went to the hospital yesterday with my mother. I didn't realize I started crying until I felt a tear fall on my arm. I closed my eyes for a bit which I thought I miss her so much. "I talk to him Bella", Anthony said.

We talked more until we pulled up to a small restaurant which it is called Home Sweet Home. "We been going here since ninth grade. It's not too big but their food good," Anthony said as he parked the car then opens his door to head to the restaurant. I was about to open my door until I see Liam opened it for me. He reached his hand out where I took my hand. We went to the restaurant with Liam still holding my hand.

We walk inside where we waited to be sitting. Liam moved his hand to my waist as I as we were waiting. I looked up at him to see him that when he winked at me. I then see a lady I guess was in her forty with black hair and brown eyes say, "well hello Anthony and Liam. Who we got here. Hello I'm Kim." "This is Bella," Anthony said as we followed her to a booth in the back. Liam let me sit down before he sat next to me. "Well it's nice to meet you Bella. Here your usually seat boys. I give you a few minutes", she said. She turned around to leave the table after she took are drink orders.

I looked down at the menu which everything looked so good. I can't figure out what I want to eat because everything sounds good to eat. "It's all made homemade nothing store bought", Liam said. Ten minutes Kim came back with our orange juices. "What would you like Bella because I know these boys want their usually", she said as they both nobbed their heads. "I like blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs, hash browns and bacon crispy please", I said. "Sure, thing sweetie coming right up", she said as she took our menu. She left the table to put our order in.

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