Chapter 8

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Anthony and I showed up at his father house to pick up Bella, so she could sign up for school. I can't wait to see her again which put a grin on my face. I got out of the car where I looked up at Bella window then I went up to the house to go inside. We were all sitting in the living room until Anthony said, "I am going to see if she is ready to go since we want to stop to get something to eat." He got up to head upstairs to Bella room.

I was talking to Eric and my father until I heard someone coming down stairs. I looked at the stairs where I see Bella coming down the stairs. She looks beautiful today like she doesn't look beautiful every day. I can't stop looking in her sky-blue eyes. They're breathtaking. We all said our goodbye then headed towards Anthony car where I opened the door for Bella.

We talked until we got to the restaurant. We got out of the car to go inside where we see Kim in the front. She introduced herself as we headed to our usually table. We all order our food then we started talking until I hear Anthony saying, "why he here, this not his hang out." I turned around to see Ryan coming inside with his friends. This not going to be good if he finds out who Bella really is.

We were telling Bella that was Ryan. I looked up to see Ryan coming over to introduced himself to Bella. He was talking to her that when I looked over at her where I see that she looks scared. He is making my blood boil by looking at her like he is. I want to kiss her just to get him to leave. I put my hand on her hand that when she looked over at me and smiled. I really enjoy when she smiles. Ryan left as soon as our food showed up.

As soon as we were done eating Anthony went to pay as me and Bella were going outside then Ryan said he will see her again. I wanted to go over there so I could punch him in the face then say she my girl. I just took her hand to take her outside to Anthony car. We got to Anthony car where I told her sorry about that. I turned to see if Anthony was coming outside.

I looked inside to see Anthony going up to Ryan's table. I turned to Bella told her I be right back as I tucked little hair behind her ear as I kissed her cheek. I walked back inside after I kissed her cheek to find Anthony in Ryan face saying something.

I stood next to Anthony as Ryan looked over at me where I said, "what's going on." We kept going back and forth then after all that we went back to Anthony car where Bella was sitting on the hood. She looks so worried. She asked everything ok which she was sorry for all this. Anthony told her that everything was ok and it's not her fault. She started crying saying for us to take her back home that's when I went to sit in the back with her. I put her head on my shoulder as I told her everything going to be ok as I was holding her hand.

As Anthony was driving I looked where I see Bella has falling asleep which I gave her head a small kiss. She looks so beautiful sleeping. We arrived at school where I woke her up to tell her we were here. We all got out of the car then went towards the office.

We entered the office where Anthony went over to Sarah to talk to her. We followed Sarah to the back office. She told Bella to fill out all the paperwork she gave her. When she finished filling out the paperwork. We went to Anthony car, so we could show her where me and Anthony live.

We arrived at home then went inside where we hear Chase asking if that was us. He told us he was heading to a pool party which he asked if we were coming. Bella said it is ok that we should go that she was going to check the campus then call Carter to pick her up. I was really hoping for her to go.

She said her goodbye then went outside as she put her head down. I turned to Anthony to say, "I be back." "Ok I am heading to my room to get ready", he said. I turned to head outside where I see Bella walking down the driveway which I yelled out, "hold up." She turned around with a sad look on her face. It breaks my heart when I don't see a smile on her face. I stood in front of her then turned around to see if anyone was looking. I told her I wanted to do something, so I bent down to kiss her on the lips as I put her arms around my neck. I told her I been wanting to that for a while. After we kissed that when we said our goodbye which I went inside to get ready for the pool party.

We left for the pool party shorty after Bella left. As I was talking to Annabella and Chase that when Ryan came over. "Where Bella at? I don't see her anywhere," Ryan said. "She didn't want to come and went home," I said. After I said that he turned around to go back to his friends. I was happy about him leaving because I don't want him asking about Bella.

As I was talking to Cody I see that Bella has texted me saying that she home and that she had fun. I see Ryan looking over at me as I was reading the text from her. I walked over to Antony, "you ready to go home Anthony", I said. "Yeah I am. Let me go say bye to Annabella", Anthony said. We said our goodbyes then we went home.

I got home which we order some pizza to have dinner. The pizza arrived about fifteen minutes later where we went to the living room to watch some t.v. As we were watching t.v. that where we see Cody and Chase enter the living room. We talked a little until I seen it about ten at night that when I told the guys I was going to head to my room for the night.

I went to my room to get ready for bed. When I was ready for bed I went to sit on my bed thinking of Bella. That when I sent Bella a text to see how she was doing. We just kept texting until she said she was heading to bed. We said our goodnight. I laid down in my bed thinking about my girl which I wish she was laying next to me.

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