Chapter 10

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I was looking forward picking up Bella for school today. We were on our way to pick up Bella when Anthony phone rang that's when he answered. "Hey Annabelle, what's up... I sure can pick you up. I have to pick up Bella first then we be there... Ok bye", then I looked over at him to see that he has a huge smile on his face. I don't get why he don't ask her out since they both like each other. I wonder what he thinks if I ask Bella out on a date.

We pulled up in front of Bella house which we got out of the car to head up the house. I looked up to Bella window where I see her. I had a smiled on my face then followed Anthony inside where his father was sitting in the living room watching some news on the T.V. He heard us come in as he was turning the T.V. off. "Anthony can I talk to you", his father said. "Yes father", Anthony said. "I go see if Bella ready to go yet", I said as I started walking to the stairs.

I went upstairs where I knocked on her door. I see she was to busy singing as I was leaning on her door frame. I guess she can't hear me over her beautiful voice. She was finishing putting on her tank top as she turned around where she sees me standing in her doorway with huge smile on my face. I asked if she was ready as she was as she puts on her flip flops. We both went downstairs to see Anthony and her father waiting on us.

We all said our goodbyes then went to Anthony car to pick up Annabelle. I opened the door before Bella could open it. I then went to the other side where I sat next to Bella, so Annabelle can sit next to Anthony. After we picked up Annabelle we went to get something to eat then went to school. We arrived at school where I went to open Bella door. I took her hand as we went inside.

We all said our goodbye to Annabella since she see her friends then went over to them. I hope that Bella and Annabella can become friends. I turned back around to hear someone saying mine and Anthony name.

Bella said she was heading to class, so we said our goodbye to her. She turned around where she started to head to her class as our friends came over to chat with us. Few minutes later I told them I was heading to class. I can't wait till my last period which both me and Bella have together.

It was finally last period which I wanted to walk to class with Bella. I pulled out my phone to send her text to meet me in the dining hall. She said she be there soon which I texted back I see you there. I put my phone in my back pocket as I was walking to the dining hall.

I entered the dining hall where I see her looking around. I walked up behind her where I put my hands over her eyes. She turned around with a smile on her face which put one on mine. I took her hand where we went to class.

We got class early where there wasn't a lot of people in class yet. We went to the second to the last row where she went to sit by the wall. We were talking until we both hear Ryan saying hello to Bella which got my blood boiling. I looked up at him as I see a huge grin on his face. I text Anthony to let him know that Ryan was in this class. He told me to keep a close eye on her.

He was sitting behind us which made me look over at Bella where I see she is getting scared. I put my hand on her lap that when she looked up where I see her beautiful smile. I see the professor enter the room for class start. I keep looking over at Bella to make sure she ok. I hear her say she needed to go to the bathroom, so I let her out.

I hope she is ok. I should follow but I just stayed sitting as she heads to the door. I kept my eyes on her until she was out the door. I turned a little where it looked like Ryan was texting someone. After he texted whoever he looked over at me with a grin on his face. It's been twenty minutes which she hasn't come back to class yet. I was sitting in class worried why it's taking her forever to come back to class. I hate that I didn't go with her because she may not know where the bathrooms where at. Maybe that why it's taking her forever.

As soon as class was over I pulled out my phone to dial her phone number to see if she ok. It started ringing then all sudden I hear what sounded like her phone coming from her bag since she told me that she put Counting Stars by OneRepublic as my ringtone. I looked down where see her phone is in her bag. "Great", I said then looked back at Ryan since he was still sitting there. "What you are looking at", he said then he got up to leave the classroom.

I grab both her and mine bag before I left the classroom. I see Ryan talking to some of his friends with a grin on his face when I left the classroom. I walked past him as I started calling Anthony. He going to kill me if not him then his father along with my father.

"Hey, what's up Liam. How is Bella doing? I'm headi", he said but I cut him off before he finishes that sentence. "I be there shortly, I need to tell you something which you may not like", I said then hung the phone up before he says anything else. I went toward the front of the school where Anthony parked his car. I was walking toward him as he was leaning on his car. I can already see the worried look on his face.

"Where Bella at Liam since I know you two had last period together", he said. "Can we get in the car where we can talk. I don't want no one hear us", I said as I opened the passenger door. We both got into his car where he turned to look at me and said, "what's going on Liam", he said with a worried look on his face. This is going to kill him.

"This not going to be easy to say", I said. "Ryan was scaring her really bad. She asked me to let her out to go to the restroom. Which she never did come back to class. I tried to call her as soon as class was over which I heard her phone in her bag. As I left class I seen Ryan with a huge grin on his face", I said. "I'm really sorry Anthony", I said as we started driving. "I suck being your best friend. I knew how happy you were when I first meet her. Your father going to kill me", I said. I looked out my window as I said, "I really like her."

I looked down my hand hoping to hold her hand again. "Hey, look at me Liam", he said then I looked over at him. "We are going to find her I promise you. Also, I already know you liked her. When we get her back because we well I want you to take care of her and if you dare hurt her I will hurt you man", he said as he smiled at me. "I well take care of her, you have my word", I said as I smiled back at him.

"What are we going to tell your father" I said as we parked in front of his father's warehouse. This going to be fun.

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