Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes from a noise that sounded like a phone taking a picture. That when I see Ryan with a phone in his hand. I realized he did take a picture of me. He has the biggest smirk on his face which made me looked down to see that I'm only wearing my tank top and panties. He touched me with his hands. He sits on the bed next to me with an evil look in his eyes. I try my best to get away. I wasn't able since I was still tied to the bed. Why this happening to me?

"Get away from me", I said as he put his hand on my leg. "I don't think so. I am glad to see you awake. I wanted to tell you that tomorrow my father coming to see you", he said. Oh no, not his father that means no telling what they going to do with me, I thought.

He started rub his hand on my leg which he was moving further up. "Please stop", I said as I feel tears falling from eyes. "I'm not going to do nothing to you, yet", he said as he wiped the tear away. "I wanted to let you know I really hope your father, brother, and especially Liam enjoyed the picture I just sent them", he said as he bent down to start kissing up my neck. Just kill me, I thought.

"I thought you wanted something to eat since you haven't had anything today", he said as he kissed my cheek because I turned my head. He put his hands on my hands then he untied the rope that had me tied to the bed. I sat up rubbing my wrist where the rope was. "I am being nice and untie you. You can move around all though you still can't leave the room. Don't let me regret this," he said as he got up to leave the room then locked the door behind him.

I went over to the dresser to see if there were any clean clothes. I grab shirt and shorts then I went to the bathroom. I entered the bathroom to see it has a bathtub. I turned the water to warm for me. I got undressed before I got in the tub. The warm water felt good since my body is sore. I lean my head on the back of the tub. I was looking around wondering what my family and Liam are doing. I would love to be in Liam arms right now to have him whispering in my ear. I closed my eyes to make it seem that Liam is right beside me.

I didn't know that I fell asleep until there was a knock on the bathroom door. I see Ryan standing in the doorway looking at me with a grin on his face. I tried to go under the water where he couldn't see anything. "I got some good news for you. My father just called to say he not ready to meet you yet", he said. I thought why would that be good news to me. "I tell you more as soon as you get dress because it's hard looking at you in there. I be in the room", he said then he left the bathroom.

I got out of the bath then got dressed. I entered the room to see him sitting on the bed. He turned looked at me and said, "sit", so I sat but not too close to him. "He wants me to give you back to your father. He wants them to think someone else took you", he said. I see him reach his hand where it was close to my neck. "I going to put this chip in you, so we can keep track of you", he said as he moved my hair away from my neck. All sudden I feel a little pain in my neck, "it well only hurt for a little bit", as he put the hair back where it's covering my neck again.

"You're going to go with Stevie which he going to drop you off somewhere. He going to give you a phone for you to call who ever want. I also want you give this to your father to read", he said as he handed me the letter. I look him in the eyes. "Thank you for letting me go home", I said. "If it wasn't for my father you would still be here. Don't you dare tell them I was the one who took you. I have my way finding out. I see you at school beautiful", he said then kissed my cheek. He stood up to leave the room not turning back around.

I see Stevie entered the room I was in. He grabs my arm to make me stand up to follow him downstairs. We got to the bottom of the stairs where I looked around to see if I see Ryan anywhere. Stevie still had a hold on my arm which he took me to his truck outside. Stevie puts me in the backseat of his truck which he put a blindfold over my eyes. After he shut my door he went to the driver seat where I hear the driver door open then shut. I felt the truck moving to where ever he taken me. I can't wait to see Liam again I thought about as I rested my head on the window of the truck.

As I was thinking of Liam I felt the truck stopped then I hear my door opened. He grabs my arm for me to get out of the truck. When I was out of the truck he took the blindfold off tas he handed me a phone. "As soon as I am out of sight you can call whoever you want to", he said then he got back into his truck and drove off. I watch him drove off down the road then I look around thinking I have no idea where I am. How can I tell them where I am if I don't know where I am.

As soon as Stevie was out of sight I called the one person I can't wait to see again. I dialed Liam number after two rings he pick up which I hear him say, "hello, who there." "Liam". is the first thing I say to him.

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