Chapter 27

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This time when I woke up I was no longer on the plane but what looks like a dungeon of some type. I try to move my arms which I couldn't because they were chained to the wall above my head. It was cold wherever I was. I look down to see that my shirt was torn also my shorts were too short that I can feel the cold ground under me. "Where am I", I said to myself.

I was looking myself over until I hear a door open and closed then I hear footstep coming down the stairs. Few minutes later I see standing in front of me was a man in his fifties with black hair with some white in it and green eyes. He bent down which he put his hand under my chin, "well hello beautiful. My son wasn't lying about how beautiful you are", he said. Who is his son I thought to myself? I tried my best to get away from him. I don't like it that he is touching me.

"You're wondering who my son is. I can see you thinking. It's Ryan but at that time he had you I wasn't in the country. That why I asked him to give you back to your family. Then he told me that Liam found your tracker in your neck, so I told him to have you sent to me", he said. Oh no this is Cole. What he going to do to me now that he has me. He patted my cheek which I wanted to throw up so bad. I moved my head from his hand that he was still holding my chin.

He got up to where he walked over to a table which he started looking at whatever on the table. No telling what on that table. He turned back around looking at me with evil look on his face with what looks like some type of wipe. He started walking towards me as he was slapping the whip in his hand.

He stood in front of me then he pulled on my chains to turn me around. He took off rest of my shirt which I was only in my bra then I felt the first hit which it hurt so bad. "AAAHHHH", I screamed. I hear him laughing as he still hitting me. "Please stop", I begged. "I don't think so beautiful, I'm still having fun", he said as he kept doing it repeatedly. I just closed my eyes as he still hitting me. To be back in Liam arms again. "I love you Liam", I said in a whisper as I started feeling blood on my back from where Cole been whipping me.

After twenty more wipes on my back he turned me back around. He kissed each of my cheeks then he stood up to leave the room I was in. I just slid down the wall and started crying. My back hurts so bad from him. As I am still chain to the wall I went to lay down the best I could without hurting my back. I closed my eyes wondering what going to happen to me since Cole has me. I know he going to torture my father since he has me. This is what my father was trying to protect me from all those year when I living in Italy with my aunt and uncle. I'm sorry father for all of this and the pain that I am putting you in I thought to myself.

Cole tortures me every day which some days he recorded it. He told me that he sends them to Liam and even my father. I miss Liam so much. He the only reason I am still trying to live beside my family. Will the pain ever stops which I always cry myself to sleep. Wishing every day to be back in Liam arm as he kisses me before whispers in my ear how much he loves me.

I been here for over two months now I think. Which I am starting to think they will never find me. I want to give up so bad because there no reason to keep trying to live. I just tell him to kill me today because I can't do this no more or deal with the pain. As I was thinking that I hear the door open as I hear, "Cole said for us to grab her and bring her up to him. He said we're having a very special guests. He wants her there when they show up." What does he mean by special guest. Please don't let it be Liam or Anthony.

I looked up with my eye that barely opens to a man in front of me then he unchains me from the wall. He grabs my arm to make me stand up. I barely was able to stand up since it been to long since I really stood up by myself. He zip tie my hands together then he takes me upstairs with the other man behind us. Maybe this the end for me, which really hope it is. They took me to a room that looks like the living room. They put in the chair that was in the middle of the room then they stood behind me. I looked around the room to see anything or anyone. I also see two chairs that are in front of me. Who are they going to put in front of me.

Few minutes later I look to see Cole walking into the room with what looks like Liam following behind him. No not him which means that they have Anthony to. Liam has his head down where he not looking at me. They put him in a chair front of me. Look at me Liam. They have been torture him by the looks of all the cuts on his chest. As I was looking at Liam I hear Cole say, "wake up lover boy and look at your beautiful girl." Liam looks up and said, "Bella", then he looks back down at his lap. This is my fault this is happen to him. I sow the hurt in his eyes. "Please don't hurt him no more", I said as I looked over to see Cole with the evilest smile on his face. "Ah how sweet for you to say that," Cole said then he turned to look at Liam.

He walks over to where Liam was sitting where he gets down on his knees as he said, "now Liam is that all you have to say to her. I thought you loved her. Also, we talked about this before we came in here. Don't make me bring in her brother in here." Liam still said nothing to him as I was looking at him. "Liam I'm so" but I didn't get to finish what I was going to say since Cole slapped me the face. "I'll tell you when you can talk stupid girl...Fine bring in the other boy. I make him choose who more important", Cole said.

I see two big men dragging my brother in to the room then they put him in the chair on the other side of Liam. They hurt the people I love the most. I closed my eyes as my face still hurts from him slapping me. I started to feel the tears from my eyes. I am not going to let anything happen to them. If Cole want to kill someone then he can kill me. I looked back up to look at Liam and Anthony.

I still was looking at both Liam and Anthony until I see Cole pulled out a gun from the back of his jeans which took Liam hand to hand him the gun. No please, he is going make him choose between me or Anthony. "Now lover boy who are you going to choose to live or die, it's yours choose. If you don't choose in the next three seconds, I have him over there shot your sweet beloved Bella", he said.

I see one of his men put gun to my head. I closed my eyes thinking I can't let this happen. I am not going to let him choose between me or Anthony. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need to save my brother life. Anthony has so much more that importing to him then I do. I know I'm doing the right thing by saying what I'm about to say.

I took a deep breath, "Liam please just shot me. Let Anthony live. You been best friends with my brother for so long. Which me and you barely know each other. He has so much more to live for then me. Just know I love you both and I see you on the other side one of these days" I said as I looked to see Liam is now looking at me. He looks so hurt from what I am telling him.

I looked over to where Anthony was sitting, "I tell mother you love her and miss her for you Anthony when I see her. Please tell father I love him. Also, I'm sorry for all the pain I put him through. Please Liam this the only way", I said before close my eyes. I blow Liam one last kiss before I closed my eyes. I'm ready for my life to be over with. I feel a tear fall on my arm. I love you both I thought waiting for Liam to shot me. He must pick me because I can't live without Anthony in my life. I hate myself if anything happens to either of them.

As I was thinking all this I heard Cole say to Liam, "aww how sweet for her to give up her life for her brother. You heard what she said to you. She gave you her answer for you because someone going to die today. Now choose in one, two."

Suddenly, I hear gunshots coming from different direction. I hear so many people yelling from everywhere. I started feeling a sharp pain in my chest. Did he shoot I thought. I understand why he did it. At least I know that my brother still alive. I started getting light headed as I am about to pass out on the ground.

I hear what sounds like both Liam and Anthony saying my name which it sounded like I was in hole. I'm hearing what sounds like Liam saying, "wake up Bella, please wake up. I love you. No, she not dead, wake up Bella." It sounded like I am moving further away for them because I can barely hear them. It feels like I am in someone strong arms holding me, but I can't open my eyes. I word the words I love you because am not able to speak after that I blacked out.

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