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Tyler left joshs place a few hours ago since he couldn't be there anymore and went inside his home. He goes to his room and lays down flat on his bed. He grabs one of his stuffies and held it close. He started to cry and let out little whimpers when he did. This is one of those times when Tyler wishes he had a daddy.. it would've made him feel so much better and not feel so worthless.

He just wished he wasn't so embarrassing to joshua. He probably embarrassed him so much when he ran out the door. He just didn't know what else to do! Littletyler just wanted to be at home and let his mind calm down.. he didn't want anything bad to happen while he was there.

He always thought he was the trouble maker. He thought he caused all the disaster. But oh boy was he wrong. He was the one that gave everyone smiles. He gave them such a nice feeling since he was around them.. and boy was josh loving it.


Joshua frowned when Tyler ran out of the house but he didn't go after him. Not now at least.

He was gonna let the boy calm down before going over. Besides, he didn't want to leave his friends here by themselves! They'd wreck the entire house!

Josh decided he was going to go up to Tyler's place once everyone leaves... he hopes they leave soon though.

They were still watching the movie when josh had these thoughts. He wasn't paying any attention at all. He was too busy thinking about the boy in a cute little outfit.

He really wanted to ask the boy to move in with him since he had so much space left in his house.

Tyler didn't have as much but it was all he had. He pretty much lived in a apartment.

Josh couldn't stand it though. He wanted the boy all to himself. Keep him warm at night, make sure he's okay, and so much more. He cared about the little boy so much... he just wished he would move in with him.


A few hours later, everyone left the house and josh sat by himself for a bit.

He thought about going to Tyler's house but he didn't want to be a bother. But then again.. he needed to make sure his bestfriend was okay.

After a while of thinking, he said screw it and left the house.

It took him a few minutes to get to Tyler's house but not too long.

He stops at the front of the boys house a few minutes later and just looked around outside of his small home. He saw some pretty carnations in front of the house and smiled widely when he saw them. He decided to take note of that.

After looking at the tiny home, he knocks on the front door and waited for someone to answer it.

After a minute or two, he heard the door unlocking and saw a littletyler peek his head out. Joshua heard him gasp and that made him chuckle a little bit. "Hey Tyler.." he says with a grin and waved a little.

Tyler blushes and hides half of his face behind the door. "H-hi.." he says in a tiny tone, making josh want to awe.

"I came here to check on you.. are you alright?" The tall man asked the smaller and looked at him with concern.

Tyler whimpers and nods. " 'm okay, jish.." he mumbled and started to feel really clingy. He just wanted to be in joshs big, strong arms and be curled up in his lap.

"Can I come in?" Josh questioned and tilts his head a little when Tyler squeaked.

"S-sure j-jish.. gimme a second.." the smaller boy replied and rushes off.

Joshua hears the tiny boys socked feet hit the ground while he rushes and felt his heart melt.

Tyler comes back a few minutes later and let joshua inside.

Josh looked around and smiled at the smaller boys house. He also noticed that Tyler changed into a onesie. He found that adorable.

Tyler goes to the couch and grabs a little stuffie off the couch. He was in headspace.

Josh cooed at Tyler and goes over next to him. He sits down and noticed the smaller move closer to him. He smiled when the little boy clings to his arm and closed his eyes.

Tyler whimpers and curled up a little. He rubs his cheek against joshs arm and nibbles on his shirt a bit. Strong, big, ohmygodohmygod Tyler freaked out to himself and whimpers again.

"What's wrong?" Joshua asked and tries to get Tyler's attention.

The smaller boy looks up at joshua through his thick lashes and made a little noise. "I go home with you..?" He asked nicely and batted his eyelashes. Josh almost kissed the boy because of it.

Joshua nods and smiled. "Sure. You wanna go get your stuff?" He asked the much smaller boy, who nodded.

Tyler gets up and rushes upstairs. He changed clothes to something warm and cozy and made his way back downstairs after packing. " 'm ready jish!" He says happily and grinned widely.

Josh smiled at the others grin and stands up. "Alrighty. Let's go." The taller says and heads out the door. He walks back down the street and waited for

Tyler squeaked and followed behind josh. He smiled as he walked beside the taller man and skipped a little as he did, being careful on not to trip of course.

He was so excited about going to Josh's house again, maybe they could stay up late and play around..


'm so sorry!! I just didn't have any ideas for another chapter until now! Please forgive me for it :(

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