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after a while of just listening to everyone talking and having fun, tyler just thought he could pass out right then and there. he was still really tired and it was very obvious. his eyes kept closing on him as he tried his hardest to keep them open but it was so use. he fell asleep, curled up in a ball next to jenna with his thumb sitting on his bottom lip. it was honestly one of the cutest things hes ever done.

while everyone was still talking, jenna had glanced down at tyler to make sure he was okay and then realized he was asleep. she smiled and leaned down to gently kiss his head. she looked back at everyone around her and put her index finger in front of her lips, telling everyone to quiet down a bit. "do you guys think you could keep it down a little? tylers asleep and i don't think i'll be able to move him without waking him up." she tells them and everyone nodded, expect for josh.

"how about i just picked him up and carried him back to my room? i don't think he'll wake up at all." josh says with a kind smile and jenna shrugged her shoulders a bit as she looked back down at tyler. "you can try.." she says and sighed a bit. josh nodded and stood up after hearing jenna. he examined the boy one more time before he carefully put his arms under him and picked him up bridal style. he waited a moment to make sure tyler stayed asleep and looked at jenna. "easy." he said with a smirk and she just rolled her eyes. "be careful with him." she says and josh just nodded again.

oh he was definitely going to be careful. he wouldn't dare offer to pick tyler up unless he thought it was okay to.

after talking to jenna and telling the others that he'll be back, he started to make his way to his room. he heard the small boy make a few sounds as he slept and awed quietly. he didn't know what this feeling was but he didn't hate it.

as he was going up the stairs, tyler opened his eyes a little and looked up at who was carrying him. it was a bit blurry but he could tell who it was. he started to blush and tried his best to hide his face by nuzzling into josh's shoulder. he hoped josh didn't notice.

once josh got to his room, he went over to where it looked like tyler had slept before and gently placed him down on the bed. he grabbed the covers and carefully tucked the boy in before taking in his features again. he didn't think anyone could look so pretty as they slept.. but he was proven wrong. after a moment, he decided to walk out the door and looked back at tyler one more time before closing the door behind him and heading back downstairs to hang out with his friends again.

little did josh know, tyler was in his bed hugging onto one of his pillows and trying his best to keep his little noises quiet so no one could hear.

the next morning, tyler woke up and did a little stretch before getting out of bed and feeling energized. he wasn't little though. he wanted to be but it wasn't going to happen while he was at josh's place.

he quick rushed down the stairs so he could go find josh and immediately found him on the couch. he quietly went over to him and peeked around the corner of the couch to see if he was awake. unfortunately, he wasn't. he was passed out. tyler started to pout and sighed a bit before he rushed off to the kitchen. he thought he was be nice and make him breakfast so that josh wouldn't have to.

he quietly grabbed everything he needed and glanced back at josh every few minutes to make sure he wasn't awake.

he never did wake up while tyler was making breakfast. tyler was glad but at the same time he wasn't. he was hoping he would start to wake up as soon as he was getting done with making everything.

he had an idea though on what he could do to wake him up. he put the food on the plates and rushed over to the couch and carefully got on top of the other. he was going to regret this but right now he didn't care. he slowly climbed on top of josh and straddled him. he started poking his cheeks and giggled quietly since he thought it was funny. he whined after though when he didn't wake up. he huffed and started to move his hips around. hopefully that would wake him up.. which it did.

josh groaned quietly as he was starting to wake up and rubbed his eyes before opening them to see what was on top of him. his eyes immediately went wide and his face turned a bright pink. "uh.. good morning." josh says with a weak smile and tyler started to grin like crazy once he woke up. "yay! you're awake!" he says and giggled as he got off of him. "c'mon! i made you breakfast!" he says and rushed off to the kitchen again to grab his plate. he set it down on the coffee table in front of josh and held his wrist behind his back. "i hope it tastes okay." tyler says and went back to the kitchen.

josh felt his heart melt when tyler told him he made breakfast. "you didn't have to do that. i could've just made something." he says and tyler just ignored him.

he sighed quietly as he picked up his fork and tried a bite of what tyler made. he already loved his cooking. "wow.. that's really good. thank you so much." he tells him and tyler blushed. "you're welcome. do you need anything?" the smaller boy asked and josh just shook his head. "no thank you." he says and continued eating.

they both could already tell this was going to be a good day.

hiii here's another chapter since i felt like updating again

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