chapter 6

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My date with Timothee is today. At least he's here to help get my mind off of Ryder but still, I can't completely forget about him and I don't think I ever will. I spent 5 years with him.

I check my phone as I still lay in bed.

New text message from: Timothee

"Good morning!"

I smile at my phone and send him a text back saying, "Morning :)"

He texts back almost immediately and says, "Have a spa day or whatever you girls do. I'll pick you up at 7. Dress casual or whatever ;)"

I smile reading his text and I text back, "Okay!"

I end up having a spa day. I run a bubble bath, put cucumbers on my eyes, paint my nails, and do facial masks. I honestly really needed all that with all the stress Ryder put me through the past couple days. I just hope when he realizes what he lost, he doesn't come crawling back to me because there's no way I will ever go back to him.

I lie out a little pink dress and a pair of my black sandals on my bed as my mom walks in.

"Date night with that boy?" She asks with her arms crossed, grinning at me.

"You guessed it," I say, plopping down on my bed. I'm surprised she hasn't asked about what happened with Ryder but she could've guessed by me storming through the house, crying yesterday.

"Mom, do you wanna know what happened with Ryder?"

She nods, "I didn't want to ask until you were ready to talk about it." She sits on my bed and I tell her everything. I didn't cry as much as I thought I would but I cried a little.

"It'll be okay, dear. Timothee seems wonderful." My mom says to me.

"He is." I smile slightly. She rubs her hand on my back and gets up from my bed.

"I'll leave you to it." She smiles wide and walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

After she leaves, I lay down on my bed and grab my laptop to watch a couple movies on Netflix before I need to start getting ready.

Once it's time, I get up and I go over to my vanity and do light makeup. After that, I get up and get dressed.

Once I'm all ready, I wait in the living room so I can hear when he knocks. Before I know it, I hear him knock. My mom rises from her seat and I go open the door.

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