chapter 7

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As I open the door, I see Timothee standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a huge smile plastered on his face. He's wearing a simple white t-shirt with black skinny ripped jeans. Casual but cute.

"Hi!" I say first and I go in for a hug. He opens his arms and hugs me. When we pull away, he hands me the flowers.

"Wow, Timothee. Thank you so much, these are beautiful." I smile wide as I look at the beautiful roses he handed me.

"It's what a beautiful girl like you deserves." He smiles back at me. "You look amazing, by the way, Blair."

I feel a blush creep on my face as I thank him.

"So are you ready?" He asks with his hands in his pockets.

I nod my head before I turn slightly back to my door. "Let me go put these in a vase real quick. You can come in if you want."

He nods before following me inside and my mom is standing near the couch.

My mom walks over to him and shakes his hand. "Hello Timothee. Nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you again as well, Mrs. Taylor." He says to her politely.

" me Shannon." She tells him with a smile.

I go over to the kitchen and pull out a vase out of the cabinet. I bring the vase over to the sink and fill it with some water before putting the roses in. I set them on the counter admiring them for a second before walking back over to Timothee.

"I'm ready." I say to him. I turn to my mom and wave goodbye.

"Have fun!" She says excitedly.

Timothee smiles and takes my hand walking me outside. I shut the door behind me and we walk to his car. He opens the passengers door for me and I get in before thanking him. He walks around to the other side and gets in.

"So where are we going?" I ask him as he begins driving. 

He looks over at me with a smirk. "You'll see love." 

I nod my head and I look out the window. I notice he turns up the radio a bit so it's not completely silently. 

He pulls into a parking spot basically in the middle of no where. Is there where he's going to kill me? I turn to him with furrowed eyebrows. 

"You'll see." He says with a soft chuckle. 

I undo my seatbelt and get out of the car. I walk around to his side and he opens the trunk. He pulls out a picnic basket and I smile to myself.

"Who knew you were romantic and cute like this?" I say as I walk up to him with a smirk on my face. 

He rolls his eyes playfully and gestures me to follow him after he closes the trunk and locks his car. 

We walk through the grass for a bit until he stops. He sets down the basket and pulls out a blanket, laying it on the grass for us to sit down. I sit down as he does and he starts pulling out what he brought. He pulls out two sandwiches, a bag of chips, strawberries, and two capri suns. 

"Capri suns? Aw Timothee this is adorable." I nudge him softly.

"I don't wanna be adorable though." He pouts as he hands me a sandwich and a capri sun. 

"Now you're being even more adorable." I tell him as I put the straw in my capri sun. I open the sandwich bag and take a bite. 

He shakes his head and opens the strawberries. He grabs one and takes a bite as he looks out at the trees. 

He grabs another one and looks at me. "Open your mouth."

I open my mouth and he places the strawberry in my mouth to take a bite. I take a bite and giggle.

"Now that  was adorable." He say, scooting closer to me. 

He looks deeply into my eyes and he leans in slowly after I swallow. I look at his lips and our heads move closer. He places his lips onto mine and our lips start moving in sync. We kiss passionately and slowly for a couple seconds until he pulls away slightly.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long." He whispers to me, his face still very close to mine. 

A/N: Surprise!!! I'm back! I'm gonna try to update as much as I can for you guys. 

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