I am sorry if I come off as ride and pessimistic right now. But, look. Not everyone is all sunshine and rainbows. Not everyone has the happy bullshit you do. And maybe I'm saying this out of jealousy? I song even know right now. But what I do know is this. I'm starting to get tired of the fake friends. The fake love. The fake people in general. You know? I'm just looking for some real friends. And is it that hard to do? Let your true feelings go? Go ahead. Snap at me, give me smack talk, cuss me out. At this point in time, I seriously don't. I just want the select few I consider real friends, to know I love them. They aren't fake, they're all reaper than real. They may as well be a dream to me, because bitch, I've met so many fakes. From here on out, I just want the damn straight truth. No more sweet talking me. Give me honesty. No more sugar coating it, give the hard truth. Because fakes are the people I hate more than hypocrites.And yes, I know I'm being sorta hypocritical, but do I look like I give a flying fuck?! No, I don't. So. Are we all good? Otay? Otay
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RandomJust rants, and other ways I let things out. If you don't like, it then fuck off