Coming back

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--six years later--

I am having so much trouble finding work, I grab the jewel I earned and left. Mira would have probably gotten mad at me for not thanking the guy, wait... WHY DO I CARE!? She was just an annoying little pest, who probably doesn't remember me.

"Laxus?" I hear a familiar voice say, it can't be him... right? I turn to see Bixlow, and Evergreen.

"Hey guys." I smile. They rush over and hug me. "Where is Freed?" I ask, wondering where my other friend is.

"He went on a job. Hey, why don't you come to the guild!" Evergreen beams. She gives me puppy dog eyes, I cave.

"Okay, fine." I admit defeat, I get to see Mira. WHY DO I KEEP THINKING OF THAT TWERP!

We get to the guild. I see almost everyone, some new faces. I sit at the bar, Evergreen asking me questions. I see Mira, talking to some girl.

"Come on Lucy. I ship it!" Mira chimes.

"I don't like Natsu in that way!" The person Mira was talking to blushes, I assume her name is Lucy.


I am cleaning a mug, and talking to Lucy. Well, teasing Lucy. I look over and see some headphones. Laxus's headphones... I start to think of that day.

"WHY DO YOU CARE?! IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Laxus yells at me. Tears fill my eyes... Did Gramps? No... he wouldn't. "YOU ARE THE REASON MY OWN GRANDFATHER KICKED ME OUT!" He yells. Gramps did...

"Laxus I-" I was cut off by Laxus yelling.

"SAVE IT! I HATE YOU! I WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU!" Those words stung... he will always hate me. "NOW SHUT UP AND GO AWAY! YOU TWERP! I WILL NEVER CARE ABOUT YOU!" He yells... and leaves. He leaves his friends, his family, and a heart broken me.

Tears form in my eyes.

"Miss your screaming partner?" I look over to see Erza teasing me.

"We weren't screaming partners." I frown, I miss him so much. No one else really notices he is gone. I miss him, fighting or not.

"Whatever. You know couples start as enemies sometimes." Erza teases again.

"We won't be a couple." I glare at Erza. I turn my focus back to Lucy, who is tilting her head in confusion. "Lucy... I ship you and Natsu together!"  I make Lucy blush.

"MIRA!!" Lucy yells back.

"Come on Lucy. I ship it!" I chime.

"I don't like Natsu in that way!" Lucy blushes a deep red.

"Mira, can I have help?!" Master yells for me.

"Of course Master." I turn my head, I see Laxus. I hug him. I start to cry.


"Mira, can I have help?!" Gramps yells for Mira. Like she would...

"Of course Master." SHE IS NICE?! Demon Breathe turns her head and sees me. She runs over and hugs me.

"Mi-Mira?" I ask startled by her behavior.

"I will help Master, Mira." Erza smiles.

"I missed you, Laxus." She gets off, tears streaming down her face. "I know you didn't, but I did. I know you hate me... so, I will leave you alone." She chokes back tears.

I grab her and hug her, tightly.

"Don't cry." I continue to hug her. Why does she think I- never mind.


Is she still caught up on that?

"I am sorry..." She pouts, pulling away. She walks back behind the bar. She turns her head, then grabs something. She hands me my headphones.

"Thank you..." I look at them, I want her to have them... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

"Hey Laxus, want to go to a party at my house?" Gray walks over to me. "Mira is going." He smiles.

"I will go. I don't like that she will be there though." I growl, Gray just smiles.


The party was fun, I was avoiding Mira the entire night though. She was talking to that Lucy girl too. Erza is making us all play Truth or Dare. We all start to play.

"Levy... Truth or Dare?" The Lucy girl asks Levy.

"Truth..." Levy looks away.

"Is it true that... you like Gajeel?" Lucy smiles evilly, Mira's face brightened.

"Well... um..." Levy tries to avoid answering.

"It is a yes or no, Levy." I smirk.

"Y-yes." She looks away.

"Okay, Laxus truth or dare?" She tries to hide her embarrassment.


"I dare you to... hug Mirajane." Levy smirks.

"No! I ain't hugging Satan Spawn!" I yell, Mira excuses herself from the room. Lucy follows her. I am an idiot. I hurt her!

"Dude. Fix the mess you made." Natsu snaps.

"I mean you won't hug her? She would have hugged you. I mean you should have seen her the day you stormed off." Gray continues. I tilt my head.

"She was a mess, Lisanna found her two hours after crying at some tree." Natsu says in a duh tone.

"Did Lisanna see a carving on the tree?" I ask thinking it might be the tree we met at.

"Yeah, something like Demons plus Lightning equals us?" Gray answered. I get up and run to Mira.

"I shouldn't care what he thinks! He means n-nothing to me!" Mira yells as I get to her door. I hear her, lies she never cared about me. I storm out.

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