Hurt (Jesskas)

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Jesse's PoV

Another day was over...

Jesse sighed, lying on his bed and staring around his darkened room. The only light was from the clock, sitting on his table. He watched as the numbers turned to show that it was only 10:03 pm.

A lot of things happened today. With one accident still stuck in his mind.


Jesse bit his lip, shakily holding onto his phone like a lifeline. He was standing at the edge of the building, looking straight down at the ground, far below. Jesse pulled at his hoodie, hoping the wind would just stop.

To be honest, he'd rather stay up on the roof of this building than to go downstairs to face the party again. Jesse mindlessly pulled out his trusty penknife and spun the blade around.

It was getting blunt, but Jesse didn't really know how to sharpen it. So he kept it that way. "Hey." Jesse turned to see Lukas, standing at the door of the roof and gently opening it wider.

"Hey." Jesse tried not to panic a little. His crush was standing right there, behind him. And he didn't know how to react. "Why aren't you at the party?" Lukas asked, walking over to Jesse and looking down over the edge.

"Parties aren't my thing." Jesse replied solemnly, carefully sliding the closed penknife back into his pocket. Lukas smiled that beautiful smile of his and sat on the ledge, making Jesse feel even more nervous. Wasn't Lukas afraid of falling over?

The two boys, one sitting on the ledge and the other was standing, just silently stared at the horizon, far away. With the sun slowly sinking, and the rain clouds starting to form, everything looked peaceful.

"No wonder you like it up here." Lukas said, his eyes moving over to look right at Jesse. Jesse's mouth opened a little, a blush starting to form on his cheeks. "It's just a place where I feel like myself the most." Jesse replied nervously, breaking the eye contact.

Lukas looked up when thunder gently boomed overhead and a few drops starting to fall. "You know what we can end this with? Before we go back to the party?" the blonde boy asked. Jesse tilted his head a little. "What?"

Lukas gently took Jesse's hand and laughed, pulling him to dance with him just as the rain started to get a little heavier. "Come on, don't tell me you don't know how to dance!" Lukas said, staring at Jesse again and sweeping Jesse's hair away from his face.

Truthfully, Jesse didn't know how to dance, he was too busy trying not to freak out that his secret crush was trying to dance with him. In the rain. It was the best thing ever, no doubt.

Lukas guides Jesse around a little, smiling and humming a song as he held Jesse close. (Yes, Jesse will still trying not to panic, that's why he's not saying anything)

Suddenly, Jesse accidentally tripped over his feet but Lukas quickly caught him without any trouble. "Jeez, this is really cheesy, but are you okay?" Lukas asked, making sure that Jesse was standing on his own two feet again.

Jesse laughed nervously. "Lukas- I.."

Lukas leaned forward a little so that their noses were barely touching. "Yeah?"

"I..." Jesse took a shaky breath.

"I cant do this."

Lukas blinked, slowly pulling away. "Oh. Yeah, I understand." he said, starting to smile again.

"I'm sorry." Jesse said, his voice trembling even more. "No, don't apologise. I went a little too far." Lukas held up his hands and smiled at Jesse.

"What? Lukas- wait.." Jesse started to say. Lukas turned, tilting his head a little, with a sad smile on his face. "Yeah?"

Once again, his courage failed him.


With a small smile, Lukas walked over to the door of the roof garden and waved to Jesse. "See you later." he mouthed as Jesse let his crush leave, still shocked at what he had done as the rain started to become heavier, pouring down on Jesse.


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